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Namjoon sighed heavily for what seemed like the hundredth time today. There was something bothering him. And that was something was a certain relationship between two demons. To be completely honest, the angel did not know why he was worrying so much over this. Why should he care what was going on between Jimin and Yoongi? Was it because he and Jimin were betrothed? Or was there something else? Surely, it couldn't be the latter. Namjoon barely knew Jimin, so the possibility of him being jealous was completely impossible, right? Well, at least that is what the angel thought.

The delicate prince laid his head down against the desk that was covered in blank white sheets. Whenever he wasn't studying for his lessons, Namjoon would sit in his bedroom and write songs. It was something he really enjoyed. His father once told him it was something he had inherited from his mother. The thought of sharing the same passion of writing songs with his mother made Namjoon smile sadly. He really missed his mother. The angel wished she was still with them. Perhaps if she still was, maybe he wouldn't be dealing with these troubles.

Namjoon's mother always knew how to cheer him up whenever he was feeling conflicted. It was one of the many things he loved about her. Turning his head to the side, the angel looked at his nightstand where a small picture frame was displayed. The prince slowly stood from his chair and walked over to his bed. He picked up the picture, gazing at with tenderness and sorrow. It was a picture of his family. When his mother was still alive. Taehyung was clinging to his father in the photo while Namjoon was clinging to his mother. Many told him just how much he resembled his mother while Taehyung resembled their father. Namjoon moved his thumb over his mother's face as his eyes began burning with tears.

"I miss you mother. I miss you so much. I wish you were still here with me. I need your guidance. I don't know what to do." The boy's voice cracked slightly as tears began streaming down his cheeks. Pulling the photo close to his chest, Namjoon fell backwards onto his bed and squeezed his eyes shut. The sweet angel broke down in silent sobs. All the while wishing for his deceased mother to return to him. Although, he knew that was highly impossible. 

While crying, Namjoon had not noticed he had slipped into a light sleep. It wasn't until he was gently shaken awake. Soft silver eyes fluttered open, making contact with those of his younger brother. "Tae?" Namjoon rubbed one of his eyes while slowly sitting up.

Taehyung sat on Namjoon's bed, a look of worry in his eyes. He had come to inform his brother that lunch was being served in the dinning hall. When he had entered his elder brother's bedroom, he saw Namjoon laying in bed while holding a picture frame against his chest. The younger didn't need to be told what picture it was. He already knew since he had the same photo on his nightstand. "Hey Joonie hyung. I came up to tell you lunch is ready." The silvery haired boy tilted his head to the side. "Are you alright?"

Namjoon rubbed his eyes a little more before nodding his head. "Yes, I am fine. I am just a little tired is all." Giving one more look at the photo, Namjoon smiled sadly and gently placed the frame back in its place on the nightstand.

Taehyung looked at the photo, a sad smile resembling his brother's appearing on his face. "I miss her, you know. It has been so quiet without her here." The boy's tone was laced with a hint of sadness. He really missed his mother, wishing she was still here with them.

"I miss her too. But, I know she is always watching over us. Always making sure we are safe and sound." Namjoon stretched out his long, lanky limbs before standing from the bed. "Come. I am quite hungry."

Taehyung grinned his famous rectangular smile and nodded his head. He stood up from the bed and reached out for his brother's hand. "Come on! Let's go before our food becomes cold." The younger prince playfully pulled his elder brother out of the bedroom and down the hallway towards the dinning hall.


"Man, I am so full!" Taehyung grinned widely, falling back on to Namjoon's bed. The two had just returned to his elder brother's bedroom after having finished their supper. The younger prince stretched out his arms, his silvery locks brushing against his cheeks and forehead. Taehyung shifted on Namjoon's bed until his head was laying against the pillows.

Namjoon smiled gently at his brother. "Well, you did eat quite a lot of food, Tae. No wonder you are so full." The elder sat on the edge of his bed, looking at his brother with a fond smile. Namjoon loved his younger brother. He meant the world to him. The two of them had always been close. After the death of their mother, the brothers have became even closer.

Taehyung laughed cutely, nodding his head once. "Yeah, you're right. I did eat too much. But, I couldn't help it hyung! The food was just so good!" The younger slowly sat up, not wanting to move too fast. He didn't want to upset his full stomach.

"I am wondering if you are just saying that because Seokjin hyung was the one who cooked the food." Namjoon teased, folding his arms across his chest. A cute laugh escaped his lips once he saw Taehyung's cheeks become beet red.

"N-No! That isn't the reason! Even if it wasn't Seokjin hyung who cooked the food, I would have still thought the food was good." Taehyung folded his arms across his chest with a adorable pout on his lips. It always embarrassed him whenever his older brother would tease him about Seokjin. Even before he and the elder started dating, Namjoon would tease him all the time. Although, Taehyung knew Namjoon meant no harm with his teasing. Besides, the silver haired beauty always found ways to get back at his brother.

Namjoon laughed softly, finding Taehyung's flustered expression so adorable. How he loved teasing his younger brother. It always distracted his mind from his troubles. As a matter of fact, simply being with his younger brother distracted Namjoon from his troubles. There was something about the younger that always calmed down Namjoon. He honestly loved it. Namjoon moved closer to Taehyung and wrapped his younger brother and hugged him tightly.

Being hugged by his brother, Taehyung giggled cutely and returned the hug happily. The younger pulled the elder back onto the bed and began cuddling with him. Taehyung shifted around a little bit until he and Namjoon were comfortable on the bed. Then, he tangled his slender legs with Namjoon's and cuddled against him.

Namjoon placed a gentle kiss atop of Taehyung's head, holding the younger close to his chest. This always felt so nice. The silver haired angel really enjoyed cuddling with his younger brother. It was something the two of them have been doing since they were kids. Namjoon looked down when he heard Taehyung yawning softly. "Sleepy?"

"Yeah. A little bit. Let's take a nap, Joonie. Just like how we used to." Taehyung looked up at his elder brother with a sleepy grin. A giggle escaped when his forehead was kissed.

"Sure, Tae Tae. I am actually feeling a little tired myself." Giving Taehyung's forehead another kiss, Namjoon snuggled against the pillows while tightening his hold on the younger gently. Soon, he and his younger brother had drifted into a peaceful sleep.


Namjoon was suddenly awoken by the sound of gentle knocks on his door. The prince yawned softly, moving a hand to gently rub his eyes. He then turned his head to look out the window, seeing that the sun had begun setting. It was probably almost time for dinner. It was probably either their father or one of the butlers knocking on the door to inform them of dinner being ready. "Taehyung. Come on, it's time to wake up." After shaking his younger brother, Namjoon slipped off the bed to answer the door. "Yes, I am coming." He called to whoever it was knocking on the door. After straightening out his clothing, Namjoon opened the door. Only to have his silvery eyes widened once he saw who it was on the other side of the door. It was not his father nor a butler.

"Hello there, Joonie. It's been such a long time. I really missed you." The orange haired man spoke with such a soft and soothing tone.

Namjoon couldn't believe his eyes as he stared at the orange haired man with shock. The angel's lips parted slightly as they spoke the name of the orange haired man. A name that sent a wave of familiarity and nostalgia through his body. "Hoseok."


Finally Hobi has appeared in the story!
I have been meaning to put Hoseok into the story for quite some time, but I was trying to think of how I was going to put him into this story.
Let's just say, things are going to get a whole lot more interesting now that Hoseok has appeared.
I hope you all enjoy this chapter, and le me know what you guys think of our sweet sunshine appearing in the story ((finally).

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