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Jimin sighed heavily as he rest his hand against his cheek while listening to the lecture. After his father forced him to come home, Jimin had been sent to the courtyard for his daily lectures. God, how much he hated this. He wished he didn't have to deal with this, but unfortunately it was necessary considering he would be the next king after his father. As the lecture continued, Jimin found himself dozing off. Why the hell did this have to be so boring? Before he knew it, the Demon Prince had fallen asleep, his head laying on the table.

Unfortunately for him, his sleep didn't last too long. A loud bang snapped the prince from his sleep. "What the fuck?!" The raven haired prince glared at the demon who was giving his lecture.

"Young Master, I advise you pay attention. This is very important. If you wish to become king one day, you need to remember all of this." The demon folded his arms across his chest with a stern look on his face.

Jimin rolled his eyes and folded his arms across his chest. "Yeah, I get I am going to be king soon. You don't have to fucking tell me every waking moment of the hour. I hear enough of that from my damned father." It could be easily seen that Jimin was in a foul mood.

The demon rolled his eyes before pinching the bridge of his nose. "Young Master, I do not know what put you in such a foul mood, but I advise you to watch your tone with me. And do not speak in such a rude way about your father."

Jimin glared at the demon, a deep frown appearing on his handsome face. "I don't care. He ruined my fun earlier today. So, I don't fucking care how I speak about him, Gunwoo." The Demon Prince could see that Gunwoo was becoming angry. Not like he cared anyway.

Gunwoo was beginning to lose his patience with Jimin. Usually, the Demon Prince would be more tolerable than this. However, today, he was being a total brat. It was really beginning to work on his nerves. "Young Master, I am warning you. Watch your tone!"

Jimin stood from his chair and stepped over to Gunwoo until he was right in front of him. "Or what? What is the measly servant going to do to the prince?"

Gunwoo's face was slowly turning bright red with anger. He was really losing his patience with Jimin. The demon parted his lips to snap at the younger demon. "Why you little-" before he could finish his sentence, Gunwoo spotted the Demon King stepping outside.

"Gunwoo, is everything alright?" King Jeongsu was able to see the anger in the other demon's face. He knew his son was misbehaving and causing Gunwoo stress. "Jimin, are you learning your lessons like you are supposed to?"

Jimin rolled his eyes and turned to face his father. "Dad, why the hell do I have to waste my time learning this shit? It's going to be a long while until I am king. So, why the hell do I need to bother with it right now?"

"Because as a prince, it's necessary that you learn all of this at a young. Like that you will be prepared if something were to happen." King Jeongsu sighed heavily when Jimin had rolled his eyes. The Demon King pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed heavily once again. It was times like this he wondered what happened to Jimin. His son was never like this before. The Demon Prince used to be so sweet and kind, but ever since the death of his mother, he has never been the same.

Jimin groaned in annoyance. He definitely didn't want to be bothered with this lecture right now. He thought it was unnecessary and annoying. All he wanted to do was leave the Palace and hang out with his friends. But, instead, here he was. Dealing with his father and the stupid lecture. "This is bullshit."

King Jeongsu pressed his lips into a tight line. He truly disliked whenever his son used such foul language. Sure, they were demons and they were known for being ruthless and vulgar. However, King Jeongsu didn't particularly like it. "Jimin, what have I've told you about that language."

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