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Jimin gulped as he and Jungkook arrived to Heaven's Gates. Jimin had asked his father for the favor of informing King Heechul of his and Jungkook's visit.

The demon prince knew his father was probably rather confused by the request, but was glad he still did it for him. "I don't know about this, Kookie. What if Namjoon doesn't wish to see me?" Jimin knew he has been a jerk lately. He knew that very well now. Unfortunately, it took losing Yoongi for him to finally realize it. Hopefully, the blue-haired demon will forgive him. However, Jimin knew that would take a while. Especially with what happened between them in his bedroom.

Jungook looked down at Jimin, reaching out to pat the elder on the shoulder. "Don't worry, Jiminie. Everything will be fine. If Namjoon didn't want to see you, his father would had decline our visit. He didn't. So, Namjoon has to be okay with us seeing him."

Jimin bit his lower lip, lowering his gaze a little. "I hope you're right." The two demons stepped over to the gates, stopping when a guard approached him.

"What business do you have here, demons?" The angel spoke with a hard, stern tone as he glared at the two demons before him.

"We are here to pay a visit to the King Heechul and Prince Namjoon. We were given special permission from the Angel King himself." Jungkook was the one who spoke. He could see the angel's glare falter a little before seeing it return once again.

"Follow me." The angel turned to face the gates, waving his hand as a signal to a fellow guard. The gates soon opened, and the angel began walking inside.

Jungkook looked down at Jimin, motioning his head before following the angel guard.

He glanced over his shoulder to see the Demon Prince followering him. Jungkook knew that Jimin was very nervous and worried about talking to Namjoon. Just seeing the normally cool and collected Demon Prince so nervous like this was almost surreal. Jungkook was definitely not used to it, that was for sure.

Jimin kept his head down as he and Jungkook followed the angel to the palace. He could feel the many stares of the angels. It made him feel a little uncomfortable. He didn't like it. It almost felt as if the angels were glaring at him when that wasn't even the case. The supposed glares were actually looks of fear. That, in turn, caused Jimin to sigh softly. Once they had entered the palace, the angel guard turned to look at them.

"Wait out in the garden patio. I shall inform the King and Prince of your arrival." After saying that, the angel vanished.

Jungkook whistled once the angel had vanished. "That was pretty cool, I didn't know angels were able to vanish like that." Jungkook looked down at Jimin, motioning his head towards the garden. "Come on. Let's go to the garden to wait for your fiance and his father."

"Yeah. I'll lead the way. I know where it is." Jimin walked over to the left side of the palace to make his way over to the garden. Stepping into this garden again after what happened caused Jimin to frown. He didn't think he would be able to handle being here again, but had to deal with it. For now, anyway.

Once he and Jungkook arrived at the small patio, Jimin took a seat in one of the chairs and sighed heavily. "Might as well take a seat. Who knows how long they are going to take." Jimin watched Jungkook take the seat beside him before lowering his gaze and sighing once again.

"You keep sighing. Just relax. Everything is going to be alright. I promise." Jungkook reached out to lightly pat Jimin's shoulder in reassurance. He gave his best friend a comforting smile to try soothing him in some way. The demon soon turned his head when he felt the presence of the Angel King and Prince.

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