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Jimin was beyond nervous. He had honestly not expected this. Here he was, sitting at the dining table with Jungkook, the Angel King, Namjoon and Hoseok. The demon prince hadn't looked at Hoseok at all. Not even when the orange-haired angel had entered the room, and took his seat beside Namjoon. Perhaps it was because the angel seemed to have caught the attention of Yoongi. Despite Yoongi no longer being his, Jimin was still rather upset over it. He had been romantically involved with the blue-haired demon for so long, that it felt strange not having him anymore. Even more, losing him to none other then an angel. That surprised Jimin the most. Not to mention upset him the most.

As the food was being placed at the table, Jimin eyed the food with an perked eyebrow. Compared to the food in his kingdom, this food seemed so pristine and refined. As if it were made for the Gods themselves. Definitely the complete opposite of the food served in Hell. Jimin almost wondered if he could even eat this food. It was almost as if he didn't want to contaminate the food. Which, was completely unusual for a demon. Staring at the food for a moment longer, Jimin hesitantly picked up his fork and scooped a little bit of the food. The demon prince eyed the food once more before taking a small bite. Immediately, Jimin was hit with such a sweet flavor that he almost gagged. Never have he ever tasted something so sweet before in his life. How the hell did angels swallow this? How the hell did they not have cavities or something? The demon prince soon began coughing a little.

Jungkook, who was sitting beside Jimin, reached out his hand to lightly pat Jimin's back. The other demon hadn't tried the food yet. However, seeing the reaction his best friend had to the food made the tall demon want to reconsider even tasting it. Once Jimin's coughing a stopped, Jungkook looked at him with worry. "Are you okay?"

Jimin cleared his throat once his coughing had stopped. He looked at his best friend through his peripheral vision and nodded once. "Yes. I'm fine now. Thank you." The demon prince flickered his gaze up and caught sight of Namjoon staring at him with worry. Jimin cleared his throat once again and averted his gaze. He needed to speak with his fiancée, but would wait until after dinner. He didn't wished to discuss anything with other people present.

Namjoon kept his gaze on Jimin as he watched the demon prince begin lightly picking at his food. He had a feeling was far too different from the food he was used to. He knew demons did not particularly enjoyed sugary food. Demons preferred savory and bloody food. Just knowing that, Namjoon knew it would be rather difficult to dine in Hell once he and Jimin were married. Perhaps he should make a request to take some chefs from the Palace with him to Hell. Like that, he could still enjoy the foods he enjoyed eating.

For the rest of dinner, no one spoke. Well, aside from the Angel King and Hoseok, but they mostly just spoke to one another. Jimin had kept his eyes glued to Namjoon, pondering over how he was going to speak with him. He would prefer if the two of them spoke together in Namjoon's sleeping quarters. Like that they could have some privacy. Once everyone had finished their meals, Jimin was the first to stand. "Namjoon. May I speak to you in private? There are some matters I need to discuss with you."

Namjoon was taken by surprise once he heard Jimin's words. He had a feeling his fiancée would wish to speak with him alone. However, despite knowing that, he still felt rather nervous. "Very well. We can speak in my sleeping quarters." The delicate angel stood from his seat and stepped over to the shorter prince. He flickered his gaze over to his father just in time to see the small nod of approval from his father. At least his father approved of the two of them speaking alone. Namjoon turned his attention back to Jimin. "Follow me."

Jimin looked over to Jungkook. "I will be right back, Kook. Once I am finished speaking with Namjoon, we can leave." Jimin knew his best friend was probably feeling uncomfortable being here in Heaven for too long.

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