Chapter 13: The quest

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“We’re here.” Said Bea

India was a very crowded city. It had people rushing from one place to another. There were a lot of people selling stuffs on the streets. A lot of people wearing traditional clothes off cause. Most of the buildings were really big. With no time to waste, they went to the first thing they had to do which was to find the family of the women who created the necklace who was called Teresa Kelly. They had no idea where to begin. Zac had some clues about where she lived from reading the stories about her, but the information didn’t add up. He didn’t remember much about the stories. Cody suggested they ask people about where to find them. There was a woman who was walking towards Beatrice. She was an Indian wearing traditional clothing. She was walking along with a friend and she looked like a pleasant person to ask.
“Excuse me miss, do you know where we can find the Kelly family?” she asked
“No. never heard of them.” she replied.
They all started to spread out asking as many people as they could.
There was a man who looked like a business man. He was walking past Cody talking on the phone.
“Excuse me Mr.” He said. “Do you know where I can find the Kelly family?”
  The man looked irritated
“Don’t you dare mention the witch family to me! If you’re one of those people who idolize this family because people believe Teresa Kelly once made the greatest magical necklace ever, you’re screwed. I advise you to not look for them unless you want something wretched to happen to you.” He said before he continued on walking and talking on the phone.
“Some people really don’t believe in magic.” thought Cody
“Dads! Cody!” Bea shouted
It looked like she had found someone who was willing on giving them directions. They thanked the women who helped them. While she was busy giving them direction, Zac started to remember more about where she lived
“Off cause!” He said “How could I forget. She lived on the western side of India. Do you have a compass Bea?” 
She didn’t hear the question. She was busy starring at Zac. She couldn’t believe he was right in front of her.
“So this is the type of person my day is.” She thought
“Huh?” She stopped roaming
“I said do you have a compass?”
“Yes. It’s in my back pack.” She said before she opened her bag to take it out.
They followed the direction of the compass. They started to get near to the east side. Cody couldn’t help but survey the place. He always thought India was fascinating. With all this people who always wore colorful saris, people who love their Hindu tradition. He always wanted to do an article or report about Indian’s culture and religion. With a lot of people crowded on the streets, it was easy to ask anyone at all for directions
“Excuse me.” Said Zac. “Is this the western side of India?”
“Yes.” Replied a man
They started to follow the directions of the women to find the house.
“I think she said we must turn east here.” Said Cody
“Do you always know everything?” Asked Zac
“Not everything.”
After what seemed way longer than what it was supposed to take, they found the house. They found a bunch of reporters standing in front of the house asking the family questions.
“Do you think that this strange weather has to do with the necklace of desires?” asked one of the reporters.
“Yes. I do. And I believe that sooner or later, the person who has the necklace of desires will come to us for help.” Said one of the family members
A lot of people were not freaking out about the strange weather. They thought that the scientist where delusional and that nobody was going to die. If nobody died a hundred years ago, why would it happen this time?

“This weather is very strange indeed. I advise everyone not to freak out.” Said one of the reporters to the viewers at home
But almost the whole world wasn’t freaked out. They thought that the rain was probably going to pour rapidly, but not to kill the whole world. Magic believers where scared that the person who had the necklace of desires might not be able to save the world from ending.
Beatrice looked at the necklace. They were waiting for all the reporters to disappear, but they were taking so long.
“Bea, could you just wish for the reporters to go away. We have less than nine hours.” Said Cody
She did so. The people started spreading out to different directions. With no time to waste, they went closer to the house. A women who looked like the mother was about to close the door when Tom said
“Excuse us!”
“Can I help you?” asked the women
“Yes. I am the girl who has the necklace of desires.” Said Bea
The women started to smile broadly with relieve.
“Hurry, come in.” she said
The woman was surprised to see a rather new sparkling necklace on her neck instead of an old lavender one. Beatrice demonstrated to her by pressing the button on the side of it to open it.
“That’s a very special necklace child. I can even call it the greatest necklace in the world. You should know well before using it.”
“I know.” She said “What may I call you?”
“Serena.” She replied
The woman rushed upstairs. When she came down, she was holding a map.
“This will take you to the underground cave where you’ll find the glowing flower. And remember to look at it when wishing.”
Beatrice wasn’t sure how she was going to do that. She always closed her eyes when wishing for something so she could picture it. 
The women looked very relieved and she felt hope that everything was going to go back to the way it was. She asked Beatrice how this happened. She tried to explain summarizing the story as possible. 
“The human race is going to end?” she asked
“Yes.” Replied Bea
“You have to hurry. Follow the map until you get to an underground cave on the mountains. This isn’t going to be easy, so I advise you to never despair. Make sure that no one notices you have the necklace of desires, or otherwise they’ll be after it. When you ask for help, try not to show that you’re the girl who has the necklace of desires. The necklace can’t help you with most of the things. It can only help you with things like getting yourself out of danger, trouble, or giving you clues.”
Everyone in the house especially kids where busy chatting in the living room on the other end. The house was divided into two parts. They did this so they could have large amount of space. Everyone couldn’t believe that Bea actually showed up. The adults were relieved, but the children were surprised. Most of them, especially the elder child who was totally not a magic believer refused to believe that such a thing as the necklace of desires existed. By the looks of it, all that was happening was quite impossible to believe for Beatrice as well. She couldn’t believe that a simple trip to an island would lead to all of this. Sometimes, she wished her mother wouldn’t have given her the necklace. Even though it’s an amazing gift she was thankful to have, she couldn’t help wondering how her life would be if her mother didn’t give her the necklace. She would still be a normal girl living a simple, uncomplicated normal life with none of this madness.
“Good luck.” Said Serena before leading them out of the door
“Hey dad?” Both fathers looked at her. “I mean Tom?”
“Out of all the Islands in the world, why would you choose the only one that could enmesh me and the whole world into something terrible?” she asked
“I don’t know. I guess it was destiny.” He replied
She realized that he was right. And anyway, if she wouldn’t have gone to the Caribbean island, she wouldn’t have found out what the mystery of the necklace was. She wouldn’t have had enough courage to control the necklace or found out how her own father died. She still couldn’t believe that her father was right beside her. They saw that on the map, the first direction they had to take was to go to the eastern side of India in the woods were they would find a river they had to follow until they reach a big banana tree.
“Off cause, why would it be at a place where anyone could find it?” she asked herself. She thought about how intelligent the woman who created the necklace was. Probably, the most intelligent person in the world. 
She couldn’t help but ask her father how he found the necklace. You could tell he didn’t like to talk about it since it brought so many bad memories of the Ancient pirates. But he realized that it was important for his daughter to know.
“I was working on a case in the Caribbean island. I was outside at night searching for more clues at the side the incident happened. It was really dark so I couldn’t see well. I hit on something and fell down to the side. But when I fell down, it didn’t feel or sound like I was hitting the ground. It felt like…. wood. I realized that there was something beneath the ground. I found something to dig with. I found a wooden door beneath the ground. When I opened it, there was a passage beneath it. I got inside and started gazing around. That’s when I came across a box that looked like a very small treasure case. I opened it and found the necklace inside. I immediately thought about your mother when I saw it. There was no way I could resist it. So I took it.”
They had already arrived at the east side and started to follow the river. Bea started wondering how it was so easy for a nine year old girl to save dogs a hundred years ago. That’s when she realized that the girl had the necklace of desires. She started to wonder if it was possible to wish on the necklace to find the cave without having to follow the map. Then, she started to remember what the women said about the necklace only helping you with getting herself in trouble, danger, or giving her clues. She guessed the necklace wanted a person to do the hard work when undoing a wish that had consequences like one of bringing the dead to life. That’s when she realized that she had a lot to learn about the necklace of desires. Zac started to ask her about how it all happened. About how the Ancient pirates found out she has the necklace of desires.
“I don’t know exactly. But they did. They would stop at nothing to have the necklace in their hands.”
“Uncle Tim said that he doesn’t think they know it’s the necklace of desires.”
“I guess they must have found out at the island. And now, we’re going to stop the human race from ending, so that they can get their dream of ruling the world.”
“Not if they don’t get the necklace” said Tom who was busy looking at the compass to check if they were on the right direction.
“Well, let’s face it. Immediately when we stop the world from ending, there are going to come after me like they did with you dad. They might even kill me just like they killed you.”
“No one in this world is going to kill no daughter of….”
Zac’s voice started to fade away. It looked like he had just remembered something. For some reason, no one could tell what it was. But this made his face to change. An inexpressible sharp emotion lit up on him. After some seconds, everyone could tell he was sad.
“What is it?” Bea asked
“I just remembered that when you wish next to the flower to stop the world from ending, your mother and I will go back to being dead.”             
That was surprising. No one said anything about her parents going back to being dead. But then she asked herself. What did she expect? That her parents were still going to live amongst the living when they were supposed to be dead? This was a byzantine necklace she surely would take a long time to understand. Before Zac could explain further, Cody said
“Um…. Guys”
He was far ahead of them. He had said this in scared tone, while moving slowly and slowly backwards. He looked like he was staring at something scary.  Bea, Zac and Tom couldn’t quite tell what it was since there was a lot of trees in front of them. The forest they were in had trees almost wherever you would look. When they entered it, Cody had let his mind roam as they walked. He couldn’t help but notice that it looked like they were in the middle of nowhere. He had gazed around and saw a few houses at the north side, not so far from where they were walking. A growling sound came behind the trees.
“Guys!” shouted Cody
This time, he was moving backwards faster.

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