Chapter 2: Actions Speak Louder Than Words

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'I must be dreaming'

That was all I could think as I stared at this beautiful creature enter the cafe. I didn't want to be rude or be noticed for staring at the man, but I couldn't stop myself. He was rather tall, displaying a stunning black suit, with a black dress shirt underneath and quality black leather shoes that match his leather briefcase. While taking off his long black pea coat, the light shined on him, showcasing a luscious head of dirty blonde hair.

From its roots, each hair waves, each step causing the locks to bounce for a moment, then fall back into place, exciting Namjoon more. A set of beautiful, thick eyebrows framed the top of his face. Beautiful cheekbones accentuated his beautiful face. Cherry colored tint coated his plump, round lips... I bet that his lips taste like cherries too.

'I'd love a taste of that cherr-'


The café's iPad chimed cruelly. The café had paid a web designer to come work on an app that had the ability for its customers to make an order without physically ordering, helping curb the intensity of the morning and lunch rushes. Whenever an order is submitted, the iPad "PINGS".

...As it was doing now.

'Cut it out Namjoon, why're you acting like this?' I rubbed the back of my neck and groaned. After selecting the order, I examine it carefully and begin to get to work. 'One large coffee with French Vanilla creamer and 6 sugars to go. He has quite the sweet tooth, huh?'

As the coffee was brewing, I intelligently pretended to clean the counter some more, using it as a cover-up to stare at the beautiful man. He was sitting down now, typing away furiously on his cellphone, all the while looking very poised. After receiving another message, he rolled his eyes, furrowed his brows, and began to pout. My heart began to pick up speed, beating extremely hard at the sight.

'God, first he was hot, and now he's cute? Pick one, gosh.'

I could feel a blush crawl up my cheeks, but it was dismissed when the timer on the coffee beeped, indicating the coffee was ready. The calm sound of the coffee dripping into the pot made me sigh in relief. Very simply sounds calmed me the most, especially the sounds that conjure up when I make coffee. As the coffee pot began to fill, I grabbed the creamer, sugars, and to-go-cup and prepped them, so the coffee would perfectly melt the creamer and sugar (kind of like putting the milk last in a bowl of cereal, despite Yoongi's claims about the milk going first... He's so backward).

The coffee's warm and sweet aroma wafted into my nose, making me crave a cup myself. I sealed the cup and went to the iPad for the name, although there was only one person in the room other than me.

"K.S.J.?" I call out, looking around the café and then causing myself to laugh heartily at my own joke. I bite the inside of my cheek, a poor attempt at keeping my laughter at bay. As the beautiful man collects his things and walked to the counter, I notice his walk is beautiful too, being perfectly times by his long, slender legs.

'No Namjoon, stop that!'

I internally slap myself and pass him the cup, too embarrassed by my previous actions and thoughts to look at him. He pays me in cash, grabs the cup, bows his head slightly, and begins to exit the café. I turn away from him, regretting not taking advantage of gazing at him without it being awkward. As I hear the bell on the door jingle and then the door close, I release a breath.

'And like that, he's gone. And I didn't say a word to him. Way to go Namjoon.'

From the corner of my eye, I notice something on the counter that I hadn't noticed before... A pink Hello Kitty wallet. I know it has to be his, but I part of me couldn't believe it. He came in sporting such a dark look, but has a cute, pink wallet?

'And so, the mystery continues.'

I chuckle at the thought of him holding this wallet and wondering how many sides there were to him that most people didn't see. Still looking a the wallet, I didn't want to be intrusive and look inside. I mean, who knows what he has in there, other than the change I just gave him. My curiosity must've gotten the best of me at that moment because I suddenly snatch the wallet up, and surprised myself. After trying to open the zipper hesitantly, I groan in defeat, forcing myself against my curiosity and deciding not to look inside but instead, turn it over to the other side and look for more clues. Sewn in a beautiful cursive is the name I had been trying to figure out.


I exhaled, the name rolling around in my head.

'It rolls out perfectly on the tongue... Not that that matters to me.' I think, coughing at my past thought.

After repeating the name a couple more times, I snapped out of my millionth daydream of the day and dashed out of the café, in the hopes of catching him. I honestly should've run out sooner because he could be gone at this point, but later's better than never, right?

I shoved the door open and ran outside, not taking notice that there was another body in motion in front of me. I completely knock into someone at full speed, taking them and myself down at an alarming rate.

Groaning, I brace myself for the impact of the hard cement. But it never comes. As the motion stops and settles, I sit up and rub the back of my neck and take a breath of relief. It must've been fate that I ran out at the time I did because as I open my eyes, I realize that I've been sitting on someone...

But not just anyone...

I'm sitting on Seokjin.

'Well, there goes this job.'


A little cliffhanger DUN DUN DUN!

Hello everyone! I hope you guys are enjoying the ride! I hope this story isn't super basic (I know, the falling on each other is sooooo cliche, but I love it dnsjsbsjsjjddj). I hope to post at least once a week (I write my chapters on my way to/from school) so please look out for my next chapter! Bye

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