Chapter 7: And Then The Clock Struck 10 O'Clock ~ Seokjin

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'God, my head is spinning... How many more are there?'

My tired eyes lifted off the last chapter of the manuscript and looked toward the corner of my desk, only to see that the inevitable stack still lingered.

Looking back at the clock, the clock had stuck 8:49. Biting my lip, I can't help but feel like my chance is slipping from under me. If my barista was the man from Jimin's story, he'd most likely be picking up the Night Shift as a form of punishment for being late. Which means that i might have a chance to catch him finally!

If I could finish this manuscript in the next 2 minutes, I can run to the café and see him! Just a few more pag-

'I'm running out of time!


Why do I want to see him?'

So I might've been going in search of him by stopping in the café more frequently than I used to... So what? There's nothing wrong with having a barista preference! The customer is always right!

'At this rate, I'll never leave in time, it's already 9:51.'

Glancing at my coat hanging on the coat rack and wondering if I could run out before Jimin noticed, I decided to make a run for it. I shoved the manuscript in my briefcase, shrugging on my coat and my cap and reaching for the light switch. Before flicking off the light, I turned my back and reached for my post its.

I turned off the lights and tiptoed out of my office, looking at a sea of empty desks. I forget that I work longer hours than I should, but only for the fact that my job is more strenuous than others. I turned my head to peek into Jimin's office, seeing him facing the window, his back turned to me. He seemed to be quite upset, yelling at someone on the phone.

I couldn't catch what the topic of the conversation was, but it definitely sounded serious. His hand had hit the armrest of the chair as he sighed frustratedly. The sound echoed throughout the whole office, which forced me to snap out of my frozen state and creeped out of the office. For his sake and my own, I decided against chatting with him in that moment, and came to the conclusion giving him his privacy would lead to a better result.

I decided to take the stairs, as the elevator's loud sound would've rung out and notified Jimin of my exit.

I ran down the stairs, Jimin's shouts becoming more and more faint. I attempted to skip many steps, thankfully not tripping on my feet. Reaching the main lobby, I continued my pace and pushed the door open, cold air pressing into me. The air whipped around me, causing my breath to shiver, but I ignored it. I paced myself as I ran down the block, heading to the café.

'Why am I doing this?'

The street was empty, only the waving of the trees filled the space. I prayed to the stars that it'd be open, my mind still not releasing the question of why I felt so inclined to see this man.

As I wait at the stop light right next to the café, I can see him, my barista. I slowly crossed the empty street and walked to the entrance, careful not to push on it at all, giving away my existence just yet.

He was leaning over the counter, going to town on wiping a specific spot where I assumed coffee must've spilled. His light curls shifted with each wipe, and his tongue slightly hung out of his peach-toned lips as he laser focused on that potential spill. I felt my heart tug as he bent up, pulling up his sleeves and wiping his forward with the back of his wrist. My eyes latched on to his slightly built arm, noticing his muscle flexing when he did so. 

While he was distracted, I pulled out my chapstick to avoid my paranoia from last time. I looked into my slight reflection as I begin to glide it onto my lips.

'I wonder how built he is underneath all of those clothe-"

It wasn't until I noticed he stopped moving all together that I looked up and caught his gaze on me. His warm eyes were soft, mixed with slight surprise, as well as something else?

I couldn't put my finger on it.

My cheeks immediately flushed at my being caught, embarrassment tainting my once confident stance. I waved slightly, hoping to not make myself look like more of a creep than I already do, but failed as his eyes gazed shifted, turning dark. All my hopes flew out the window when he turned away from me and walked to a room in the back of the café.

'Smooth Seokjin, real smooth.'

I turned on my foot, beginning to walk down the street, hoping they'd take me as far away from the café as they could. Why did I even want to come in the first place? I must've looked so stupid and stalkerish an-


I froze in place, my breath lodging itself in my throat. I turned slowly, seeing him leaning casually on the door. One of his hands held his face as his elbow supported his pose, his other hand was raised, two fingers standing out from his palm. In those two fingers was a small piece of paper which I could decipher immediately.

My post it from out last encounter.

"Are you coming in? You haven't showed up in a while, and I think I owe you a drink," he winked at me, his smile causing dimples emerging from his cheeks, resulting my legs to resort to jelly at the cute new feature. I can't help but wonder what other things I can learn about him.

A wide smile cracks on my lips, taking my bottom lip in between my teeth. When did this clumsily cute barista flip the switch on me and make me the clumsy one?

'Such a mysterious creature you are, aren't you Namjoon?'

I smiled and nodded, legs wobbling over to the open door and walking inside, my heart beating erratically at the change in demeanor of this barista.

That's why I came here...

To feel something...

Blame it on the caffeine.



Hey hey hey folks! So I'm finally back! I decided to rewrite this chapter because I hated where the last version of this chapter was going.

"i aM gOnNa wRitE nAmJoON's sIDe tOdAy!!!"

All jokes aside, I'm serious!

I'm gonna write Namjoon's side and double post! I genuinely love this story, and I just don't want to let it or you guys down! I haven't written it in a while because I honestly didn't wanna post some bullsh*t that I was planning to change later or regret putting in all together!

Please support me and my books! I love you all! (*'-')


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