Chapter 2

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Bella's POV

As I look around the classroom, all I see are people who are different. I don't think there is one average person in this room. And that's such a good thing. I mean, who wants normal? Who ever wants to live a normal life, always on a schedule. That would be boring! Different is amazing! I love being different... most of the time. Other times, it is the worst thing in the world. Especially for me.

When you decide to not interact with anyone around you and just stay focused on what you want to do, people are mean. When you decide not to talk with anyone, even your best friends, life gets hard. But if there is one thing I've learned from this is to never, ever let it bother you. Because soon, these people will be out of your life. And you only have yourself to care about.

"But what if the whole school just fell down while we were in class and we had absolutely no warning of that! What if something like that happened? What would we do then?" One of my best friends Lily said to my other best friend Erin. They were currently sitting across the table from me discussing who knows what.

"Then we would just have to pray to God that he protects us in Heaven." Erin said, turning back to her worksheet and filling in the questions. I guess she was always the calm type.

"YOU MEAN WE'D DIE? Are you seriously saying I would DIE?" Lily said, leaning towards Erin with her eyes wide, practically yelling.

I don't know whats's been going on with Lily lately. Since about a month ago, everything seems to scare her. Especially death. I don't even know why Erin was bringing the topic of death up. She knows how Lily gets.

"Yes! That's kind of what happens when you go to heaven. Unless you have a near death experience." Erin said, once again, turning back to doing her work. She was always the sort of studious kind of person.

"Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, this is terrible." Lily said, with panic in her voice. She started to tremble and shake. Was she sweating too?

I wanted to say something. I really did. But honestly, I've kinda forgotten how to speak. After almost 6 years without talking, I don't really know how to do it anymore. As odd as that may sound, it's pretty bad.

Erin, obviously getting tired of Lily's unstoppable questioning, turned around and slammed her pencil on the desk. "Lily! Shut up! The freaking school isn't going to fall down. Stop panicking! Let me do my work!"

This got the attention of the entire classroom. It seemed like the whole classroom was staring at us, which for me, is a terrible thing. I hate being the center of attention in any situation. Especially in class when evryone knows about your past and how you've lived  your life. Half of these people have known me since kindergarten and they know all about me.

"Erin? What's going on over there?" Our teacher, Mr. Railey, yelled towards our table. Oh gosh, now this is going to get the attention of other classrooms.

"Mr. Railey, I can not do my work over here! It is non-stop talking and I can not take it!" Erin said, getting really mad.

"Really? Bella's talking?" He said, looking at our table confused.

"No! It's Lily! Lily keeps talking and she keeps panicking over nothing-"

"I can't help it that I'm panicking over these sorts of things!" Lily said, standing up. Oh boy... "Haven't you noticed over the past couple of weeks how scared I've been getting over things? Have you not realized that? Oh wait. You're too busy skipping school to realize."

Erin's face got really red as everyone looked back and forth between them. I am so confused right now. I mean, Erin does hardly ever come to school but i don't think she skips. She doesn't seem like that type of person.

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