Chapter 8

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HI PEOPLE! Ugh I have gotten SO SUPER DUPER LAZY with writing this story AND IM SO TERRIBLY SORRY! Besides, I had to have some time to think up ideas because no one wants a boring and unoriginal story, am i right?

And another IMPORTANT thing that I keep forgetting is that these girls arent normal and IM ACTING LIKE THEY ARE but they're not. So I need to make sure I make their disorders/imperfections clear and im not doing that BUT I WILL OK BYE


Shawn's POV

"Lily!" I yelled at Lily, who was running down the hallway. Lily is my childhood best friend and I invited her along to come on the Magcon Tour with me. I really didn't have anybody else that wanted to go so I'm glad she said yes.

She stopped running and turned around to face me. She smiled when she saw me. "Hey Shawn! What's up?" She started to make her way towards me.

Once I got to her, I stopped and laughed lightly. "Nevermind, it was stupid anyway."

"No! Tell me!" She laughed along with me and stroked my arm. Okay I can't say no to that.

"I kind of wanted to know if you maybe wanted to possibly go with me to you know-"

"Shawn! Spit it out! You're scaring me..." She looked a little worried as she said that so I went ahead and said it.

"Do you wanna go play some games with me in the arcade?" I instantly regretted asking that. She's gonna think I'm so immature! "I mean, you don't have to! We can always do something else but you probably have something better to do than go to a dumb arcade with me I mean it's stupid anyway I just wanted to know-"

"Shawn, I'd love to." She said, laughing at my nervous response. "Why are you so nervous all of a sudden? I've known you forever and we've done plenty of 'stupid' things! Like, remember that time we thought we could roll down the hill in our bathing suits when we were like 12?"

I laughed, remembering that time Lily and I thought we could do the Snow Challenge. Boy, were we wrong. "Haha, I do remember that! You're right. I don't know why I'm so nervous."

She looked at me for a second before saying, "Shall we go?"

"Oh, yeah! Of course! After you." I let her ahead of me as we walked to the elevators.

Okay, I might've lied to her. I kind of do know the reason why I was so nervous around her. I've been really nervous around her for a while now, not just this moment but I finally realized one day what's been going on.

I have feelings for Lily.



"I can't belive I went down an elevator!" Lily said as we entered the arcade room. "I've always been scared of elevators for as long as I can remember! I always think the cables are going to snap and I could die. I know it's crazy but I panic so much."

I stopped her and looked at her like she was crazy. "What are you talking about? When we were like 9, we used to have elevator races in our apartment building. Don't you remember that?

"Well, of course I remember that! I have just recently gotten a fear of elevators so..." She trailed off like she didn't know exactly what to say.

"Oh... Well let's forget about that for now because we're about to have a lot of fun!"

Jack J's POV

So, earlier today, Bella came over to my room because she needed to use my phone. But when she came over, it kind of went like this:

Perfect Imperfections: A Magcon StoryWhere stories live. Discover now