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Ok so I haven't updated this story in about 3 months...

I have a good reason, hopefully.
1. Magcon has ended and I felt like no one would want me to write this anymore since no one EVER refers to them as Magcon anymore and they (as in the people in Magcon) hate when people refer to them as magcon

2. School started. Do I even have to say anything else?

3. I started a new story that I ended up liking better than this one and I was gonna focus on this one.

So you're probably thinking this is the end and im saying I'm discontinuing this story.

But hold up right there little girl/boy

Okay so I originally nominated this story and my other story for the Watty Awards 2014 but I didn't finish either of them in time, disqualifying them. I originally wanted to finish my other story and I already knew I probably wouldn't finish this one.

I was ready to stop this story.

But then, I got to thinking.

There was a time when I would want to go home everyday from school just because I wanted to write this story.

There was a time when all my friends were obsessing over this story because it was kind of realistic and we loved the MAGCON guys so much.

There was a time when I was generally happy while writing this and I wrote 3 chapters every night, but ended up hating 2 of them and only publishing one.

I want that to happen again.

I don't care what anyone says. I don't care if people say that I should stop writing it because Magcon isn't together anymore. I don't care if people start commenting hateful things. I. Don't. Care.

When I started writing this, I was basically signing a contract saying that I was to finish this story and that's what I'm gonna do. And now, people are finding this story and commenting such nice things about how good the story is and how I should update more and I just really want more people to say that.

I especially want to call out some people. One girl a LONG time ago (like 7 months ago) told me that this was her absolute favorite story on WATTPAD and that she always looked forward to my updates and now I feel like I'm letting her down so I'm gonna keep writing for you.

Also, this girl commented like yesterday telling me to update and that got me the motivation to write this. So if it wasn't for you, girl, I would've discontinued this story so shoutout to you.

And a BIG shoutout to all the people over the course of these few months who have still been adding this story to their libraries and lists even tho I haven't even been updating. You don't realize it, but you're putting faith in me to update and you believe that I will update one day, and here it is.
I'm continuing the story guys.

Magcon might be over for most people physically, but in all of our minds, Magcon is still the one memory in our mind that we always refer back to that makes us smile and laugh and just generally be happy.

So thanks to all of you who have motivated me to start this story again. It's Christmas break and that means there is plenty of time for me to update.
Are you ready, Cuz I am.

I'm ready for the memories to start flowing back.

And it's all CUZ of you 2000 people who still read my story. So thanks.

It's only just beginning.


Perfect Imperfections: A Magcon StoryWhere stories live. Discover now