Chapter 4

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  • Dedicated to Riker Lynch

Three hours later I was at the LA hospital. I had called my parents who were very disappointed but couldn't do anything since they were taking a business trip to Chile. I had a quick court session and the judge decided since it was a minor injury, and since I'm a minor, that they'll just take away my license for three months. Insurance will do the rest.

And now looking at Ross hooked up to all these machines made me wish I was in jail instead of being here. Mark and Stormie Lynch had showed up and gave me very disapproving looks. The rest of R5 had went home due to the parent Lynchs' order. Mark and Stormie were at the cafeteria while I sat in a chair beside Ross's hospital bed, looking at him.

I placed my hand gently on Ross's hand while I began outlining his firm thumb. Suddenly Ross twitched and I got so scared by his sudden reaction I jerked back my hand, knocking it against the wall. I sighed. All my fangirling dreams of marrying a Lynch has washed down the drain. I stared at my feet, letting the terrible news sink in.

"Who are you?"

Again, since the hospital is usually so eerie and quiet, I was startled by a voice. I yelped and my chair tipped over, causing me to bang my head on the wall. I heard a chuckle. "I would help you up but if you haven't noticed I'm tied up to about three million machines."

I quickly stood up and put the chair back up right and sat down. "Sorry. I didn't know it was you. I though you were going to be sleeping for...quite a while."

Ross chuckled. "Well, here I am. Awake. Now are you going to answer my question?"

This boy is sharp, even though he just woke up from a mild concussion. "Well, my name is Brianna, though many call me Bri, and I was the one who hit you with my car. So sorry 'bout that."

Ross chuckled again. "It's a little late for 'sorry'."

"Oh right. Sorry."

"Okay. Can you please stop apologizing so we can actually have a conversation?"

I caught myself from saying sorry again. Then I thought I'd try something. "Okay. I'll start. So. One day I was driving downtown to this awesome store 'Get Shaved' in hopes of seeing my favorite band called R5. While pulling into the parking lot while a teenage boy with blonde hair came speeding out from behind a parked car. Then, of course, I hit him."

Ross seemed to catch on. "Okay. What's your favorite song from this R5 band?"

I smiled as Ross played along. "I gotta say it's a close tie between 'Cali Girls' and 'Wishing I Was 23'. 'Can't Get Enough of You' is a close second just 'cause my favorite member of that band sang the whole thing."

That sentence triggered Ross's inner flirt. "Oh? Well what does he look like? Why him?"

I was fangirling so hard right now. "Well, he's got this kinda light blonde hair, which I love when it's totally crazy, these hazel eyes which everyone thinks is brown but I know better. I guess I like him because he's a good singer and very, vey dreamy. Plus, he can play guitar, piano, drums, bass, sorta violin, and has mad muscles. Did I mention he's a mad dancer?"

Ross stopped playing along. "I knew working out would help me get some LAY-DIS." Ross winked, emphasizing the last word.

The door clicked open and Mark and Stormie walked in. Both breathed out in relief, seeing Ross was awake. "You can go now." Mark said to me.

Then the most surprising thing ever happened. Ross grabbed my arm. "Wait Brianna." He ripped a piece of paper from the paper telling him his schedule at the hospital and grabbed the pen beside it, jotting something down. He handed me the paper and shooed me away.

Walking out, I clutched the paper in my hand. Once in the lobby I opened the note. I smiled as I read in Ross's quick, sloppy handwriting: Hey I just met you, and this is crazy. But you crashed into me with your car, so call me maybe. On the back it was his phone number. On the walk home, I couldn't stop smiling at every inanimate object I saw.

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