Chapter 7

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  • Dedicated to Ellington Ratliff

After an hour or so, the Lynches come out of the pool, dripping water. When Ross came out, I tried my best not to stare at his spectacular abs. I must've failed miserably because Ross shot me a cocky grin and mouthed "Like what you see?"

After everyone was dressed we headed back to the living room. Riker turned on the TV to Austin & Ally. Everyone took a seat. Riker, Rocky, and Rydel were on the couch. Ross and Ryland sat in separate bean bags. Mr. and Mrs. Lynch shared a love seat. I realized I had nowhere to sit. I started to sit on the carpet.

"Not the ground. Come sit here." I turned around and Ross was patting his thigh. Everyone waited for my reaction. My eyes darted around the room, feeling like a deer in the headlights. Ross patted his thighs again. I took a big gulp and sat down on the very edge of Ross's firm thigh. "Not like that. You'll fall off. Scoot in" I obediently scooted until I was sitting full on Ross's thighs. Ross adjusted me until I was sitting sideways on his legs. My feet were dangling off of the beanbag. Ross had his arms around my waist so I wouldn't fall. Somehow, this was the most intimate moment ever. My face quickly turned different shades of pink.

Everyone saw how embarrassed I was and laughed it away. After that the only laughter was the ones from A&A.

A few hours later, I was doing the dishes at the Lynchs' house. I had insisted because that was how I was taught about manners. After drying the last dish, Ross came into the kitchen.

"Hey. It's been awesome, or should I say Rossome, today, but I gotta go," I told Ross. Ross nodded in acknowledgement. I fumbled through my bag for my house keys. "Shiz!" The keys were nowhere to be found. "I must've left the keys at home."

"Shiz?" Ross asked with a smile. "Really?"

"Don't judge."

"Well, can't you call the locksmiths?" Ross suggested.

"Good thinking!" I dialed the locksmiths' number and told them about my situation. Unfortunately, they could only come tomorrow. "Are you sure?" They told me they were positive. I sighed and slid my phone shut.

"So?" Ross asked.

"It's too late. They can't serve me 'till tomorrow. I'm doomed." I replied, flopping down onto a chair.

"Well, you can crash here," Ross said.

"Really? Where will I sleep?" I asked.

"My bed. I'll sleep on the floor tonight."

"Aww thanks. Are you sure your parents will be okay with it?"


I pulled Ross into a gentle embrace. "Thanks a billion!"

"No prob."

I had a spare pair of shorts in my bag from my Pilates session earlier this morning. I changed into those and fell onto Ross's bed earlier than the other Lynches. One minute I was taking in the sweet scents of Ross's John Gaultier cologne on his blanket and the other I was fast asleep.

"Mmmhhmmm..." I groaned. It was early next morning. The sun was brighter than usual and I can barely lift my eyelid. I laid my hand on the object next to me. I felt a body breathing and his stomach moving up and down with each breath. I snuggled up close to him. Wait...a body next to me? What the...

I quickly pulled away. I was now wide awake and stood up in shock. On the bed and slightly snoring was Ross. "I thought he was gonna sleep on the floor..." I whispered to no one in particular. His blonde hair was hanging messily over his eyes and there was those little wrinkles by his nose when he breathed. I quickly shook myself out of it. Ross had a lot of explaining to do.

I decided since the Lynches were nice enough to let me stay, I should at least cook them a breakfast. Since my father used to be a chef, he had taught me many recipes. I found this was a good skill to have.

First I got all the ingredients I needed. I took out two large pans and sprayed it with cooking spray. I beat milk, flour, and eggs together in a huge bowl until it was liquidy. Next, I put the trays into the oven to cook. I started a fire and put a skillet over the fire, and started to fry bacon. I also put a pot over another fire to boil the mushrooms. After that. I started on the drink. I turned on the blender and put strawberries, orange juice, and ice in. After a good fifteen minutes, I stopped the blender, poured six cups of strawberry-orange smoothies, and poured Mark and Stormie's coffe cups with coffee. Finally, I took the bacon and mushrooms and sprinkled it all over the omlettes and wrapped it up. For a final touch, I shook some Parmesan cheese on. The breakfast was complete.

"What the...?" Mrs. Lynch had walked into the room wearing a lacy nightgown and a robe. Mr. Lynch trailed behind her, looking equally surprised.

"Good morning Mr. and Mrs. Lynch!" I chirped. "I made everyone's breakfasts! Hope that's okay..."

Mark rubbed his eyes with his hand. "Man. That smells good."

Stormie was a little bit more awakened. "Oh thank you dear. I don't mind at all. You even cleaned the place up!" It's true, the usual clutter of pots and pans were now stacked neatly in one place. "I like Ross's taste of girls!"

"Excuse me?" Ross's taste of girls? Did that mean he said that I was his...girlfriend?

"Yeah! Ross has been talking wonders about you! Those siblings wouldn't have forgiven you if it wasn't for all the wonderful things he said about you! In fact, he convinced me too!" I could tell Stormie was a very optimistic person by all the exclamation marks she emphasized.

"Oh," I said. That's why his sister and brothers didn't harass me! "Well, sit down and enjoy your bacon-mushroom-cheese omlette and coffee. I'll wake them up."

"Mmhhmm." Mark nodded with his mouth full. Good thing I made a big omlette.

I knocked on all three Lynch bedrooms and said "Get up!" One by one the siblings shuffled out of their rooms and got dressed.

I stopped Ross when he was coming out of the bathroom. "We need to talk," I whispered to him. He looked a bit queasy as I led him into his room and locked the door.

"You told the Lynches great stuff about me?"

Ross nodded, staring at his socks while taking a seat.


Ross looked up at me with his adorable hazel eyes with made his face look like a puppy's right now. "Because. I heard you play and sing."

"What? Play what? Sing when? I am very confused."

"Yesterday my phone rang and it was from you. I heard a clack from the other side, but the call was still in progress. When no one was there, I ended the call. Later, you called again. Also again, there was a clack on the other end of the line and no one was talking. I started to end the call when I heard you strumming the first chords of 'Without You'. Then, you stopped and walked away. So I hung up." Ross explained this in one big breath and paused occasionally for my acknowlegement.

" heard me play? That's why you said all those great things about me?"

"Yep. You don't understand. Your voice was really pretty. Like a waterfall on a rainbow pretty."

I blushed. "Thanks. That was so touching I am even willing to forget the waterfall part."

Ross and I shared a laugh.

"Now. Why did you sleep on your bed? I thought you said you were sleeping on the floor."

Now it was Ross's turn to blush."I planned to go out last night for a quick skateboard session. You can't be too careful with all these fans. Anyways, I noticed one of my wheels were cracked and remembered I kept extras under my mattress. I was lifting the mattress up and my hand brushed against your awesome hair and...well, I guess I fell asleep."

Once again, I blushed frantically. "Your hair isn't too bad either." I clamped my hand over mouth. "Did I say that out loud?"

Ross shot me a wink and nodded slowly for emphasis.

We walked out to the dining room where all the Lynches were sitting and eating. "Yo Ross!" Riker said. "I like this girl! If you don't marry her soon I'm afraid I will!" Everyone laughed and I joined in, feeling the true joy the Lynches gave me.

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