Chapter Three

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Current Day, October 18th

"What do you think?" Delaney asks me carefully, her eyes studying my face, as if she's waiting for me to start crying or something.

I look at the sliding glass doors next to me, thoughtful.

Delaney waits expectantly for my response, so I look back at her.

"I think you're a fucking idiot." I say. "You've seen this guy once and now you're going to move across the country alone?"

"Erm...yes? I've been dating him for two years."

"You've been talking to him for two years. You haven't gone on a date with him. You're not dating."

"What would you know? You've never had a boyfriend!"

I look away from her, feeling like she just punched me in the heart.

When she says I haven't had a boyfriend, I start thinking of him and every time I think of him I almost cry.

But I can't. I've cried enough to freeze my tears and use them to restock the Arctic. I need to stop thinking about him and get the fuck over it.

That night at my Mom's wedding was so magical, but the months following were miserable.

I got mad at my Dad again for ripping me away from him in the first place, so I cut him out of my life after cussing him out in the airport. I even went as far as to change my number. I still talk to my Mom though, and even Mitchell. I've spent the last seven months working or hiding in my room. I just don't care anymore. How can one person still have such a tight hold on you? Tyler controls me, and part of me wishes I never saw him at the wedding, but every other part of me is so happy I did.

The first three months following the wedding, I sobbed every day, and if I wasn't crying, my whole body with numb with pain, so numb that I could have been told a relative died and I probably wouldn't have felt any worse than I already did. It physically hurt to speak louder than a whisper. I tried to quit my job and be miserable alone, but my boss is a really sweet lady and she told me I couldn't quit. She must have guessed I had a broken heart, but I didn't realize it was that obvious.

I didn't tell Delaney what happened. I couldn't, and I don't want her to know about Tyler. She just knows he was a friend from my childhood and nothing more. She knows something happened at the wedding though, because the state I was in when I got home and not something she's used to.

Tyler is so, so much more than that.

Delaney is still crouched in front of me, as if waiting for me to say something in response to her bitchy comment

"Just go, Delaney. I don't really care."

I'm so lonely.

I stand up and walk into the bedroom.

I need to go somewhere where I might feel cared about. Delaney stopped asking why I was so heartbroken. As far as she knows, it has to do with my Mom.

I grab a duffle bag and start throwing my clothes in it, my makeup, and my hair supplies. I have on enough makeup today to go out in public, and my hair is just down in it's natural curls

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