Chapter Nineteen

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"You have to ask him!" Claire exclaims, gripping my arm tightly.

I look at my coworker, hesitating.

"I mean, I don't know..." I trail off.

They want me to go to this work party. Rose is going with her husband, Jackson, and Claire is going with her boyfriend, Matthew, and Brooklyn is going alone. The party is tonight and I promised all of them at the last meeting that I would do to the party, but with everything that's happened with my parents and step-parents, I completely forgot about it and I made plans to hang out with Tyler tonight.

I haven't heard a word from Delaney and Tyler told Travis almost two weeks ago. We've already been home for about a week.

My parents and I hashed out our issues and they're house hunting but staying with Kathryn and Preston until they find a place.

"Casey, you promised like, a month and a half ago that you would come." Rose says.

"Come on, it'll be fun!" Claire pleads. "We just go to Rose's house and we drink and play games. You should totally invite Tyler! Please?"

Kill me now.

"Uh..." I sigh. I promised them.

But I promised Tyler.

"Let me call him." I decide, looking at the clock on the wall. 7:52PM.

Guilty, I pull my phone from my purse. I set my purse on one of the chairs by the door.

We're closed already and the door is locked. I dial Tyler and wait.

It rings six times and then goes to voicemail.

"He didn't answer." I say.


Rose cuts off when my phone starts ringing. It's Tyler.

I press answer.

"Hey." I say. I can hear wind whipping in the background and I frown, glancing out the window to the salon.

The tress are still.

I hear a slamming sound and the wind stills.

"Hey baby girl." He says.

"Hey..." I trail off. "What are you doing?"

"What?" He asks.

"What are you doing?" I repeat.

"I'm out with Travis and Drew." He responds.

I hesitate.

" we're not hanging out tonight then?"

I try to curve the disappointment in my voice at having to wait another day to see him, but he hears it.

"Tonight?" He repeats. "We agreed on Saturday."

"No." I say calmly. "I said Friday and you said okay."

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