Chapter Twenty One

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My fingers glide roughly through my hair as I pace around the waiting room.

The doctor never did send somebody to talk to me. I have no clue how long we've waited but I know it isn't long, yet it feels like eons.

"How long has it been?"

"Since you last asked or in total?" Drew asks calmly.


"An hour and a half in total, an hour since you last asked."

I punch the cushion next to me and sigh angrily.

A women in blue scrubs walks in then.

"Casey Baines?" She calls.

I stand up so fast that I almost fall forward. She smiles and walks over to me.

"Are you guys here for Casey?" She asks.

"Yes." I say.

"What's your relationship with her? It's family only right now."

"I'm her brother." Travis says calmly. "He's her fiancé, and that guy is his brother." He points to Drew.

She nods calmly and looks at the three of us. Rose, Brooklyn, Claire, Matthew, and Jackson all rise too.

"Casey got a ruptured spleen. We think she was beaten but we're not sure by who. There's no signs of struggle on her hands so we think whoever did it, she didn't fight back. Seeing as there was no sign of forced entry, the police think she knew the person. Anyways, she had bruising across her abdomen and a lot of internal bleeding from the rupture. We did a partial splenectomy and the spleen with regenerate itself eventually. She should make a full recovery. She also has two broken ribs. She's awake and on pain medication, so she's a little loopy, but she keeps asking for Tyler. The police want to talk to her but she won't talk until she's spoken to Tyler."

"That's me." I say.

"Come on then, you three." She says.

I glance at Casey's work friends.

"You guys go ahead." Rose says. "But I want to check on her, so we'll wait."

I nod, and then follow the doctor.

Casey sits in bed, looking as beautiful as ever. She looks tired though, drained. There's no makeup on her skin and I can't help but be happy. She's so beautiful. She doesn't need makeup.

When she hears us walk in, she turns to look at us.

Her eyes take in my face before drifting to Drew, and then to Travis.

"I need to speak with Tyler alone." She says. "Drew can stay."

"It was Delaney." Travis says. "Wasn't it? That's why she didn't show up when I texted her. That's why I can't stay."

At the mention of Delaney's name, Casey's heart monitor speeds up. Her hands tremble slightly.

The realization that she's frightened propels me forward. I gather her into my arms, careful of her injuries. She clutches my t-shirt in her hands.

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