Chapter Eleven

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"What the hell!" Travis screams at my living room window. "That was a foul ball!"

"No it wasn't." Tyler responds, glancing at me briefly. He smiles a little before turning back to the window.

My apartment window is located directly across the street from a baseball field. It's around seven at night now and the guys are watching a little league game. Drew ubered home around twelve but everyone else stayed.

Both guys cry out in exasperation then, and Tyler stands up, pressing his hands to my window.

"Now that was a foul! They don't know how to play!" He cries out. "This is ridiculous!"

I can't help but smile at how adorable he is. I glance at Delaney who is watching Travis with a small smile, but my gaze lands on Tyler again.

"Okay good. The other coach is calling a timeout." Travis puts his hand on his heart and exhales, looking at Tyler.

I let out a small giggle, and suddenly every eye in the room is on me. Before I can ask why they're all looking at me, my phone starts ringing. I glance down at the caller I.D.


With a scowl, I press the power button

Call Declined

"Who was it?" Tyler asks.

"Aaron." I respond.

He frowns, confused.

"Aaron as in your Dad?"


He gives me a weird look then.

And then my phone starts ringing.


I hit the power button again.

Call Declined

"Who was that?" Tyler asks.

"Sam." I say, standing up.

I get a water bottle from the fridge.

And then my phone starts ringing again.

I sigh and walk over to it, glancing down.


I pick my phone up and swipe to answer.

"Hey Ma." I say.

"Casey, why are you ignoring your father?"

"Because." I say, balancing the phone with my head and cheek, twisting the lid off my bottle.

"Listen," she begins. "Is Tyler around?"


"I need to speak with the both of you. You have spoken to him, right?"

"Uh, no comment?"

"Casey Nora Baines, is Tyler there or not?" Her tone is sharp and I know that my mother using my full name is a not a force to be reckoned with.

"He's here." I grumble.

"Put it on speaker." Kathryn says.

"I don't really think-'

"Now!" Mom exclaims. I cringe and hit the speaker phone.

"Tyler Brantley Griffith," Kathryn begins. He walks over to me.

"Yes?" He asks.

"Casey, give Tyler the phone." Mom says. "And then take it off speaker. And don't put your ear next to his."

"Whatever you have to say, you can say to both of us at once." I respond.

"Casey," Kathryn sighs.

"Fine, Casey." Mom says. "You have been avoiding your father for almost two years because you're pissed off at him. He's upset, Sam is upset, and so am I. For Thanksgiving, you, Tyler, and Drew are putting your butts on a plane to Florida. Kathryn, Preston, Mitchell and Kyle will fly out there as well, myself included, and we will reside at your father and Sam's home for Thanksgiving."

I scowl.

"You realize I'm twenty four, right?" I ask slowly. "You're not the boss of me anymore. I'm not going to do that."

"You are going to do that." Kathryn says. "Drew has already agreed. Tyler?"

He's cringing.

"Ma, you're kind of putting me in a rough spot here..." Tyler trails off, rubbing the back of his neck.

"There is no rough spot." I say. "I'm not going."

"I think you should." Tyler says softly, his eyes searching mine for a moment. "This will eat you alive."

"Excellent! Your flight leave on the fifteenth! I'll text you the information!" Mom exclaims.

"I didn't agree-"

"Love you both! Bye!"

The line clicks.

"Is she serious?" I ask angrily. "I'm not going! I am not going!"

"Casey," Tyler begins.

"No! It's not a discussion! I'm not going!"


"No." I say. I grab my purse and shove my feet in my boots, storming out of my apartment.


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