Chapter Five

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I look at the dark swirls of waters a few feet in front of me.

"I can't believe you forgot to bring a coat." Delaney says through chattering teeth. Travis laughs.

"She's not from here, remember baby? She does't deal with snow."

"Well we have to go to the mall before you get pneumonia." Delaney says. "Are you inviting your friend?" She looks at Travis.

"Yeah, I'll text him and tell him to meet us at Barnes and Noble." He says, pulling out his phone. I shiver violently, my hands and face numb as I walk back to Travis' white Toyota Prius. He talks on the phone with whoever is on the other line as he unlocks the car. Delaney and I get in.

"You should like his friend. He's hot as shit, and he's so nice. If I was single, I would fuck him."

Before I can reply, Travis gets in and starts the engine.

"I think it's a little stupid for me to go buy a jacket when I live somewhere that never drops below sixty." I mutter.

"Tough shit." Del says. "You're going to freeze your ass off, especially if it snows."

I grunt in response, watching as Boston whizzes past us.

"We get go shopping and then get dinner." Travis says. "My friend knows a good place for Italian food."

"I love Italian food."

"You and him would be cute together." He says. "I'm going to get him to ask you out. He probably won't, but you know." He shrugs.

I won't either.

Delaney, who is still fishing for answers about the wedding, asks, "Did you lose your v-card at your Mom's wedding? Is that why you've been so upset?"


"No." I say.

"When are you going to tell me what happened?" She asks as we pull into the mall parking lot.

"Probably never." I say truthfully, unbuckling my seatbelt.

She doesn't say anything else as she starts to walk.

I trail behind her, watching as Travis puts his arm around her.

Travis is super intimidating, being six foot one, with huge muscles and a big head, he reminds me of Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson.

I trail behind him, thankful for this mall.

It has a Barnes and Noble in the parking lot. It's not attached to the mall and you have to walk across the parking lot to get to the mall, but still. It's in the same parking lot.

I follow Delaney and Travis as they wander around.

"He's here." Travis said after twenty minutes of following Delaney around as she searches for a Thanksgiving cookbook. "Let me go find him."

He leaves us alone, and I wander off with Delaney.

I spot a table with books. My eyes light up as I search through them with my eyes.

I love reading.

"You know these books are for emotional high-schoolers, right?" Delaney asks, clutching her cookbook to her chest.

"Hey, these are my childhood." I say, reaching for Divergent.

My hand hits somebody else's, and warmth shoots up my arm at the connection, spreading through my whole body. I turn my head to the guy who tried to grab the same book at the same time as me, and immediately the breath is knocked from my lungs.

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