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The front door slams loudly and I jump, glancing at my husband.

"Is somebody supposed to be coming over today?" I whisper to him. He frowns slightly and shakes his head.

I shift our infant daughter against my chest and stand up, stepping carefully over the toys our three year old son has left out.

Before I can reach the front door, my adopted sister Madison comes strolling into the living room.

She's seventeen and Mom and Dad adopted her when she was thirteen. It's clear she's adopted though, and that makes me feel bad. Her vibrant red hair sticks out like a sore thumb in our family photos, but we all treat her like she's born into the family.

"Hey." I say. "What's up?"

"Mom and Dad are annoying the hell out of me." She drops into the chair by the fireplace and rubs her temples.

"Why?" I ask.

"Because there's this hot guy in my math class and he asked me out but Dad said no."

"Why did he say no?" Tyler asks.

"Because he met him before and I guess he does drugs. Which is true, but-"

"Why are you attracted to somebody who does drugs?" Tyler asks slowly.

"Because he's hot. I don't know."

"Looks aren't everything." I say.

"What do you know, Casey? Your husband is hot and funny and polite. You get the whole package, but what do I get?"

"You're only seventeen." I remind her.

"How old were you when you started dating Tyler again?" She looks at me knowingly.


"Exactly." She cuts me off. "You know, I wish we lived somewhere with snow. It's so hot here."

"You should be used to it by now. Do Mom and Dad know you're here?"

"No...I took Mom's keys when she was making coffee."

I sigh slowly.

"Go home, Madison. You shouldn't be liking that boy and you know it. Dad's trying to protect you."

She lets out a grunt and pushes herself off the couch.

"Fine, I'll go home."


Brantley walks into the living room in his pull-up. He walks right to his bucket of toys and gasps.

"Mommy! I can't find my truck!"

I stand up, burping Nora as I walk over to him.

"Brantley, I'm sure if you didn't leave your toys everywhere, you would find your truck."

Tyler snorts, because he knows I took the truck and put it in my pocket.


"I have the truck." I say.

"Can I have it please?"

"No." I shake my head. "I've been telling you to clean this room for two days. Clean up your toys and then you can have the truck."

He sighs and runs his fingers through his dirty blonde hair.

I watch as he walks around the room and picks up all of his toys, dropping them in the basket.

I follow him, watching as he stops every now and again to play with something before he puts it in the basket.

Eventually, everywhere is cleaned and Tyler lifts the couch to make sure.

"May I please have my truck now?" Brantley asks, peering up at me with big blue-gray eyes.

I pull it from my pocket and hand it to him. "Thank you, Mommy."

"You're welcome sweetie." I ruffle his hair.

Our one month old is sleeping in my arms, so I carry her upstairs and put the baby monitor on.

When I get back downstairs, I walk over to Tyler.

"Are you still stressing over my truck?" I ask.

"Yes. Transmissions are so expensive. Maybe we can just get you a new truck. I can't believe the transmission gave. It's a Toyota."

"I know." I murmur, kissing his cheek from behind. "I love you."

"I love you too."

He spins around in his chair and pulls me into his lap, pressing kisses all over my face. My laughter is echoing around the whole living room.

He stops then, kissing my lips softly.

"You're so beautiful, Casey Griffith."

I grin. I'll never get tired of hearing that.

"And so are you, Tyler Griffith." I kiss him again.


Sorry, the epilogue sucks so bad but I can't think of anything to write for it! D:

Vote, comment, and get ready for the next story, I'm so excited for it


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