Chapter Twenty

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The pic on the side is of Tyler and Casey (Scott Eastwood and Britt Robertson) and that's the picture that is Casey's lockscreen in the last chapter. (I'm sorry it's so blurry)


Once the fountain of vomit stops exiting my mouth, I realize what I just did.

Tyler looks revolted, vomit that reeks of beer and pizza sauce is coating his jacket, his jeans, his shoes, his shirt, and slipped under his shirt and down his bare chest.

He gags, looking away from me.

"Shit." I mumble.

"I'm gonna be sick." He mutters. Rose, Jackson, Claire, Brooke, and Matthew push outside.

He sheds his jacket and drops it in the snow. He carefully pulls his arms into his shirt and pulls it over his head so my vomit doesn't touch him. He drops the shirt in the snow on top of his jacket and stands before us in the snow with no shirt and jeans covered in vomit.

"I'm sorry!" I whisper, my hands still covering my mouth.

"Do you still want to marry her?" Brooke jokes.

"I need a shower." Tyler says. "Please."

"You can't walk through the house like that!" Rose gasps, gesturing at Tyler's jeans. "Let's hose you off."

"In this weather? It's freezing outside!"

In fact, it's so cold that steam is coming off of my vomit.

I cringe at Tyler as Rose grabs the hose in the back and sprays him with ice cold water.

After Rose has sprayed Tyler's body, she sprays his clothes. He's shivering and his teeth are chattering as Jackson hands him a towel.

I hold it up so nobody can see. He removes the rest of his clothes until he's completely naked, and then he takes the towel and wraps it around himself. Jackson leads Tyler to the bathroom and I grab his vomit filled clothes and follow Rose to the laundry room.


After his clothes were done well after seven in the morning, he called into work and drove me home without a word. I was nearly sober then, with a raging headache, but I practically passed out on the couch.

Now it's well after seven at night and I haven't heard from him.

I decide to give in and text him for the sixth time today.

Me: I'm sorry, Tyler. I messed up. Can we please talk?

I stare at the dark TV screen.

How have I managed to sit here for the whole day?

I sigh, and then I hear an insistent knocking on the door.

I walk over to it lazily and pull it open, coming face to face with nobody other can Delaney.

And she looks angry.

She shoves past me rather violently into my apartment. I shut my eyes for a moment and then close the door, following her in.

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