Chapter 1/2: The Introduction Shift

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A/N: Image sourced from Melanie Chandra as Malaya Pineda in Code Black (CBS). Also one of my obsessions!

Chapter ½

The Introduction Shift

Grace—Gaffney Chicago Medical Center, Chicago, IL

I walk through this new ER with curiosity still. I was transferred here over a week ago, but it's all new to me. Some corners unfamiliar, some like home. The doctors are all nice, my apartment is nice, and everything is nice. I like it all. I can't say that there's anything undesirable here, besides frequent gun violence.

I spot the ambulance approaching before the alarm dings. It's another minute before it does.

"Nineteen-year-old female, hit by a taxi while crossing the road. Deep leg and chest lacerations that will need CT once she's stabilized," announces a paramedic.

I run alongside this girl's gurney all the way to Trauma 2. We count and transfer her to a bed. The pain of just being lifted crosses her face like a bolt of lightning.

Natalie Manning is here next to me, with new resident Noah learning at her side. I have known Nat for years, and she is a skilled person. There's no one better to guide Noah through his residency.

Right as I begin to check the patient's wounds, my pager beeps.

"Oh no, Ms. Goodwin wants me," I groan.

"It's not always bad," Natalie assures me.

"It's bad, like, ninety-nine percent of the time," adds Noah.

Noah's older sister, April Sexton, a nurse here, gives him the stink eye from across the ER. "Shut up, stupid."

"I should be going, Nat." My hands are literally shaking by now.

"Really, don't freak, Grace. Ms. Goodwin is super nice," Natalie encourages me.

I leave with a nervous laugh. What could Ms. Goodwin need me for?

I walk along the brightly lit, antiseptic scented halls, gears turning in my brain.

She called me to a conference room, of all places. Why not her office? Is there something that has to do with me that is so big, Ms. Goodwin needed to have a conference about it?

As April would put it, I really need a white butterfly right now.

I reach the door to Conference Room 104, hesitant. Do I knock or go straight in?

I decide to take the initiative and enter the room. And then I receive an unpleasant surprise.

There sits not only Ms. Goodwin, but other important-looking people, including our least favorite, Dr. Stohl, or "The Troll", as everyone at Chicago Med likes to call him. I also spot Dr. Connor Rhodes, a stellar cardiothoracic surgeon here.

"Welcome, Grace! We didn't mean to give you a fright by calling you here." Kind Ms. Goodwin stands to greet me. "How's Chicago? A far cry from California, I expect."

"Oh, yes, Ms. Goodwin. In a nice way," I respond politely.

"Wonderful. Everyone, meet Dr. Grace Patel, Trauma and Obstetrics. I expect that Dr. Rhodes does not need an introduction," Ms. Goodwin says sternly. "Nor does Dr. Stohl."

"I do not. She's the new doctor from the San Fernando Valley," replies Dr. Stohl. "In need of further training, if I may."

I will shove a family pack of cherry Twizzlers so far up your butt they come out your mouth, mumbles Inner Grace.

"Dr. Patel does a splendid job at Chicago Med and contributes wholly to the team," remarks Dr. Rhodes. "I don't think she needs any more training when she already has a variety of high honors from Johns Hopkins' School of Medicine."

"Thank you." I try to sound humble, not relieved.

"To the point, everyone." Ms. Goodwin eyes the roundtable of bosses, led by her, the hospital's director. "Grace, yet another two doctors will be arriving here. We only have one open slot here at Chicago Med."

"That's not good," I comment.

Stop being so dumb, hisses Inner Grace.

"It's not good. They're from San Antonio Memorial Hospital, in Texas. And they will definitely be arriving; we can't leave them without jobs," explains Ms. Goodwin. "So, I'd like for you to move to San Antonio in exchange for these two doctors. You'll be guaranteed a spot."

My eyes widen to the size of petri dishes. Are they kicking me out?

"Of course, it's your choice," Dr. Stohl muses. "You can let these two doctors, and Chicago Med, down if you like."

Donkey's butt, Inner Grace grunts. Go eat your own

"Yes, I'll do it," I reply. "But how will I work out getting all my stuff there—the apartment I just bought—what about a place to stay there?"

"We will take care of all that," Ms. Goodwin tells me. "Thank you so much, Grace. This is very selfless of you."

They dismiss me. I'm still shocked as I zombie walk back to Trauma 2. Noah and Natalie are there. The patient is already bandaged up.

"Did she give you the boot?" Noah asks, eager for some action. Natalie slaps his shoulder.

"Kind of," I respond. "I have to move to this hospital in Texas in exchange for two other doctors that are coming here. They only had space for one. By transferring me to Texas, they can accommodate everyone. Chicago Med gets two new doctors and the doctors get jobs. San Antonio Memorial covers for their losses and I'm still a doctor. Confusing, but successful."

"Why?" Natalie gasps. "You just got here a month ago!"

"I don't know!" My voice rises. "This is so freaking weird!"

"Grace..." Noah turns to me. "You must be, like, thirty years of age and yet you still don't swear."

"I'm graceful," I respond sarcastically. "Swearing is not in my repertoire."

If only I knew what those idiots in Texas were doing. I would power yoga the heck out of them.

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