Chapter 9: The War Zone Shift

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A/N: Fangirling over these Grace/TC moments...especially since I actually wrote them!!!

Amira—Kandahar, Afghanistan

As soon as Ethan and I return from the colorful mission debrief, I see TC and Grace standing out there together. They're holding hands. My being a deductive reasoner, I can tell exactly what just happened between them.

I try not to convey the deep-down-jealousy in my heart at the time. Ethan leads us all back to the hospital. "This is a military operations hospital. They get enough bloodshed to last a lifetime. Afghani rebels riddled with bullets, girls whose husbands abused them, small children starving to death. It's not quite heaven."

All the suffering I saw with the White Helmets comes back to me. I push it away.

"I'd like you to meet your Kandahar guide, Gale Flint," Ethan says, introducing us to a burly man in combat fatigues. "Gale, this is TC, Amira, and Grace."

"Kandahar is a dangerous place, fellows." Gale observes Grace and me warily. "We have to protect the ladies most of all."

We meet each other's gazes. I roll my eyes. She gets it.

"The ladies are perfectly capable of protecting themselves," Grace remarks snidely. "As well as the two guys."

"I've seen it. I'm sure of it," agrees TC.

"Okay, cheerleader. Are you sure either one of them have any experience?" Gale raises an inquisitive eyebrow.

My blood boils. "Two seasons leading a unit of the White Helmets in Syria," I respond in a clipped tone.

"Three tours in the US Army, stationed in Bagram, Afghanistan," Grace says angrily.

"She has ten decorations including the Purple Heart and a high honor for sniper operations," TC adds.

Something is happening between them.

"Oh..." Gale turns pink, as if being in the presence of a woman who served is that humbling. "I'm sorry, what do you go by?"

"I prefer Grace," she replies, clearly irritated.

TC smiles at her. "You're cute when you're upset. You know, when your nose does that twitchy thing, and your eyes get all little, and you scrunch up your mouth like this"—

Grace grins a little, too, looking down shyly, which is a dead giveaway that they are, are, are together. I feel betrayed for some reason, even though things were so clearly done.

"All right, how about we continue on our way and visit the hospital," I intone frostily.

What is going on with me?

It's obvious. I bloody hate this Grace.

Few hours later

Paul—San Antonio Memorial Hospital, San Antonio, TX

Kenny's Mac dings uncontrollably. All of the nurses and doctors crowd the breakroom, perfectly aware of what's up.

Everyone cheers as Kenny accepts the call. "WE MISS YOU!"

TC's head pops up on the screen. His hair is sort of flying around, probably because of the high-power triple blade Dyson fan behind him. "We miss you too...I miss the Harley. It's extremely hot here, makes Texas seem like Antarctica. Crazy stuff. Anyways, what's up with you guys?"

"Nothing at all," Jocelyn remarks. "But it really doesn't seem like Kandahar is paradise for you all."

"It's not," Grace responds from off-screen. "The last time it was this hot was...when, 2010? That's when."

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