Chapter 29: The Hospital United Shift

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A/N: this is a big one. This here's gonna wrap up the story. Call your friends, order some pizza, and read if you dare.
Warning: slightly graphic, suspenseful, and a teeny bit scary. Softhearted people beware!

A few days later

Jordan—San Antonio Memorial Hospital, San Antonio, TX

While Grace is gone, we keep ourselves busy with our third remodel. We get a tablet led system—twenty tablets and medical record programs, sponsored by Julian Cummings himself. The walls get a brand-new coat of baby blue paint. Grace's philosophy gets a spot on the waiting room wall, where "Hold hands. Heal hearts" is written in black calligraphy. It's something Amira thought up to show her goodwill toward Grace. There's a little plaque underneath talking about the unique beliefs we have for our hospital. Color coded scrubs take over: shift chiefs grey, doctors blue, nurses red. Not to mention that the new scrubs are finally personalized. Each practitioner's name and title are stitched in white under the SAM logo and hospital name.

TC cleans the philosophy plaque before work, making sure the miniature picture of Grace is spotless. He really misses her. But this time, it doesn't upset me. I've learned from the fudge incident that hate isn't ever going to be right. A handful of days and the ER is already boring.

My first job of the shift is setting up trauma rooms with Shannon and Bri. As soon as we get moving, though, something is clearly off.

"Crap, Shannon, why is it like that?" I reset the heart monitor. It still won't turn on. "We aren't being hacked again, are we?"

"Maybe it's out of batteries," suggests Ray. We called him to help with the setup, but he isn't being much help.

Clearly Shannon agrees. "It's got a plug, you idiot," she groans. "We should call—God, I forget she's not here. Try the company that made this."

I check the label. "It's Criticare, but they're busy day round."

"Yeah, uh...what about I try texting Grace? She'll reply right away," says Bri, pulling out her phone.

In seconds, the return text alert on her phone sounds, signaling a possible solution.

"Check the other rooms, she says. Shoot, we're really stupid." Bri shakes her head.

My pager crackles. "We have a malfunctioning monitor in 2, Healthline model. Over," Drew's voice crackles.

"There's our answer. It's not related to model. could be through the ER," I conclude.

"Jordan, I'm not getting good vibes from this. I wanna call the police. This isn't right," warns Shannon.

"I don't know, guys. We can't just jump to conclusions. Maybe it's just the power," I try.

"I feel like it's something else. Why would the power be out? It's a perfect night. No storms or anything," responds Bri.

And the lights go out.

"See! I told you!" whispers Shannon.

Bri—San Antonio Memorial Hospital, San Antonio, TX

Should I be terrified? The answer is yes.

"This is a horror story!" I hiss. "What do we do now?"

"Prevent TC from going exploring at all costs." Jordan rolls her eyes.

"Yeah. And the fact that we're in the dark. With Ray." Shannon mouths the last part.

"I'm gonna go look around!" yells TC from outside. "Maybe something's out there."

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