To tried to sleep...

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Yeah, another unfinished oneshot of my Ocs. But this oneshot is about the Magical Girls and Boys, so it's going to come out a little off because it my first time writing about them.

Also, there some cuss words so yeahhh, it's a warning for those who don't like it.


The sound of foots steps running echo through the blank white space. "Where is she!?" called out a red haired boy with a frustrated tone in his voice.

But there was worries and devastation​ mixed as well.

A lilac haired girl just frowns as she continued to run, the darkness was already on her back. "Quit complaining, we'll find her...." she snaps, she didn't want to know what to do at the moment. First, one of her friends die and second they lost themselves in a blank space and to top it off.

Her best friend was missing.

The one that was the responsible one to have the group together like the old days she knew.

The one that started all the chaos.
The red haired boy just frowns, not accepting the answer he got. "What do you mean that 'we'll find her'!?" he growls as well stopping on his tracks. He faced the lilac haired girl,  anger was clearly present right now.

The girl just scoff, and crosses her arms, "What am I supposed to do then!? Do you think I have fucking powers to make people appear in one second!" she growls, her eyes was filled with tears now.

"Yeah, I may have powers to summon a weapon and all, I may have the power to slightly control the shadows! But making someone appears?! That's just fucking stupid!"

" But, I wish I had! I wish this never happened!" she kept on going, her anger was now in her blood, boiling. The boy flinches, he didn't expected her to react like that.

"A-aori--" he stutters what was then was cut off, "Let just go." she growls under her breath and then started walking hitting her shoulders with his.

The red haired just frowns in disappointment. A few seconds of just standing crying to himself. He makes up his mind and follows the girl behind her tail.


"P-please!!" screamed a cherry blossom haired girl as blood runs down her mouth, her once bright pink eyes where now dull, like her life was drained away. A mint haired girl laughs at her face, enjoying the view she created.

"Yelling won't help you know?~" she giggles rising her hand in the air summoning a strange looking staff. The cherry blossom girl eyes widen at looking at the weapon, "Why won't you just end this! It's simple! You win and I lose! Easy as that, like you always wished!" she cries more, more tear running down her face.

All her clothes had dried blood stains, "I b-beg you..." she then whispers her voice was raspy from all the yelling she had been doing.

"And why should I do that? It's my fame and my rules! And one of them was that once you lose you die!" the other girls raises her staff in the air getting ready to attack.


Gonna end in a cliff hanger cause why not? ;<; also too  tired to finish, I been tried lately thanks to the science fair and school.

And I wonder what this do?


(Thanks for voting on my stories!! )

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