Crossed Hearts Oneshot'

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Enjoy this little oneshot of my two Ocs that come out of Crossed Hearts,

"Luz and Nixeon"



Once a upon a time and place unknown

Lived a boy forgot and left all alone

No one knew what he could do or of this fairytale

"Stupid kids...." a small looking white creature with a small bandage wrapped around his right eye, kicked a rock as he walks around a wide field. He wiped away some tears like he been crying for the passed few minutes, "Why do I even bother with them. There nothing but idiots." he then mumbles, his had was in a fist action. Trying to not let him anger and sadness let the best out of him.  "You're just calling yourself a idiot." then a small soft female voice was heard, He looked around trying to find where did that source of softness came.

When looking around, his eye landed on another looking creatures but light orange and female. She was much more shorter then him and was wearing a summer dress that slowly waved against her fur. "Me calling myself a idiot?" he then recalled what the small female said, as she just nods staying into position, "Mhm, you said the kids are idiots, you're a kid yourself." she points out making him feel slightly dumbfounded at this.

Hey, who could blame him? He just a child barely learning what life struggles really is.

"Anyway. I'm Luz, I'm known as the daughters chief." The female looking creature smiled at the male creature as he tries to smile back but it just ended up with an emotionless expression. She notices this, and frowns, every time she smiles at someone she'll get a smile returned. "Are you okay? Is there something wrong?" she walks forward to the creature in front of her, looking up at him. He stood quiet for a while, until small tears started to escape from his only healthy eye, "N-no, these kids keep picking on me, calling me names back I d-don't have a right eye that w-works well." he stutters quietly frowning her eyes brow trying to wipe away the tears as more kept on coming.

No one ever tells me why

But that was just one reason why he was picked on, there where many reasons why he was picked on.

Why they hate me and despise me when I haven’t done a thing

Luz felt a guilt in her chest, something she never had before, "Why would those kids make fun of you! You look fine to me!" she urged not getting how those kids where making fun at a normal creature like her, "Why?" was the let out of her mouth. He looked at her, his nose slightly runny due to the crying. "You don't even know me. Why would you brother, ever since that day, I was treated like a demon child." he mumbles turning around, not wanting to focus on Luz at the moment.

Cannot look or hear or speak to me

But you did “Your name, will you tell me it please?”

She frowns once again, and grabs his hand instantly, no second thought appeared, "I didn't asks for your name." she looked at the male in front of her as he avoided her gaze on him, "Nixeon. Part of the Crossed Tail Clan." he mumbles standing still not moving from his spot currently. "Now tell me, why are you treated like a demon child?" Luz had the urge to ask, curious about what Nixeon meant by treated like a demon child.

Nixeon took a small glimpse at Luz before avoiding her gaze again, a moment of silence came by. The silence was peaceful in a way yet it was still tense at the same time. "Never heard of the Crossed Tail Clan…" Nixeon asked quietly trying to make sure about something. Luz shook her head in disagreement as she never heard the term of a Crossed Tail Clan

"No..." she answered quietly while Nixeon ear twitches sightly, "It's a clan I'm in....well use clan and family was assassinated by the hunters known as the Hound" he tried to explain to the small naive girl who was still holding his hand.

It was the only true warm feeling at the moment...

"When that happened. Mother did something I will never think of......we were running for our lives until we had a sudden stop...she chopped both of my two tails off when that stop happened..." Nixeon started to cry more remembering that one day, that day that changed all of his fairy tale but it was the start of the fairy tale. "I don't get it... Why would she do that?!" he suddenly exclaimed, his face feeling a little warm by the hot tears running down his face.

Suddenly, Luz pull him in for a embrace. Hugging him like she will forever leave and never come back. "I'm sorry.....I had someone die as well...." she mumbles quietly trying to comfort the males crying. Nixeon was taken back from the sudden action, not knowing what to do but he followed what his heart was saying. He awkwardly wrapped his arms around Luz feeling a weird feeling on his chest.

But into the sunset I was lead away...

The feeling was presented at the moment, the feeling of comfort and calmness was there. Nixeon tears stop streaming down and there was soft whimpers only, Luz smiles and hugs tighter closing her eyes, she liked this feeling, it was hard to describe it.
"How about you and I. We both run away?" Nixeon broke the hug and randomly asked. Luz gazed up to him and smiles grabbing his hand once again in which Nixeon intertwined his fingers with.

"You and I. Both running into the sunsets, starting with our fairy tale."

That's when Nixeon truly smiled, showing of his fang like teeth. That warm feeling he used to have, it was coming back to him again.

Cuz a trillion trillion trillion years had left me thinking clear, until we both ran into the sunset and never turning back....


I actually feel proud of this oneshot. I use some of the lyrics of A Tale of Six Trillion Years and A Night, in which I think matches with Crossed Hearts very well

But could these even consider as a songfic? Idek. But meh, hope you enjoyed anyways

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