A change

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   After that day lucky and I would always talk on the phone. Sometimes we would go to the movies and just hang out at each other's houses. Jade and lucky didn't get along well but the three of us were pretty much inseparable.

We were currently at Jade's condo. It was huge with wooden floors and maroon leather couches. She had a flat screen above a fireplace  and a huge fur rug in the front. 

Lucky was in the middle of us his legs on top of my lap and jade was upside down with her feet dangling over the top of the couch.

" can we watch pitch perfect?" I asked. As the credits of Friday began to take over the screen.

"No I want to watch cars" Jade said. Rolling off the couch unto the rug in front of the fireplace.

Lucky rolled his eyes. "Isn't that movie for like 7 year olds?" Jade flipped him off. " no one asked you anything so shut up or get out."

"Whoa whoa guys, you promised me you would all get along" I say eyeing them a scolding look on my face.

"I hate him" jade grunted.

"The feeling is very much mutual" Lucky replied waving her off.

"I'll be right back" Jade said rolling her eyes at Lucky.

"Why are you friends with her?" Lucky asked once she was gone. I gasped and hit his shoulder. "Stop it, I'm friends with her the same reason I'm  friends with you."

He raised his eyebrows while a mischievous glint stirred in his chocolate brown eyes. "You and I both know we're more than friends ".  Speechless I walked to the kitchen to get me a bottle of water.

Lucky was hot. But he was also sweet caring, and considerate. He was a very good kisser as well. But, I feel guilty for some reason when we kiss or flirt. I still have a voice in my head that screams. No one will replace Xavier.

Xavier and I were best friends we didn't date. I just can't help but to feel like he wouldn't like that I'm hanging out with some other guy. I hate the control he has over me. When he was here he flirted with girls all the time. I didn't stop him or get mad at him. So being with lucky isn't forbidden right?

Xavier is gone and I'm not gonna mope around all the time and be depressed. Lucky didn't fill the hole in my heart, but he made it a little smaller I guess. I like him and he likes me. I should give him a chance.

"Hey you" I immediately feel the warmth from his body as he wraps his arms around me and he buries his head in the side of my neck.

I gasp as he puts a soft kiss on my neck. "I missed you" he says before giving it a another slower kiss. My heart beat was normal and a blush didn't rise up from my neck to my cheeks. My body didn't exactly respond to Lucky's touch. But, I don't care I still liked it. I like him.

I turned around and placed my arms around his waist. "You missed me? I was gone for like 5 seconds" I say with a playful smirk.

"Too long" he mumbles before he attacked his lips with mine. His lips moved fast against mine. I finally kissed him back and he smiled against my lips. Making the kiss deeper. I grabbed his hair. It was soft, straight and short.

I wish it was curly.

Stop it. Xavier is gone Sierra. This is Lucky. You like him. Don't break his heart because of your stupid crush on your best friend. My mind scolds me.

Sierra be honest with yourself. You don't feel this kiss in your heart. It doent make your toes curl. You can't feel your soul rejoicing at the touch  of his lips against yours. You don't love him. He doesn't make you feel like your best friend  did. My heart reminds me.

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