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I will try to update every Friday.

~Keith's POV~

I woke up in my bed from too much pain. I hissed and hugged my stomach. It felt like my bones were cracking in my entire body and getting out. It hurts like a bitch.

This pain was a OK, when I took deep breaths, but some bones maybe touched each other or something at that was it. I screamed in pain and pressed hard on my hip. My eyes, tightly shut, opened when I felt a hand on my back. I looked at the person, who rubbed circled on my back, to get the pain away. "L-Lance... What-What's wr-ong w-with m-m-e...?"

"Your body's changing. Galra omegas go through this one in their lives. You're just late. Your bones shifts, so you can carry and give birth to a child. It won't last for more than ten days. Some galra can go though this in one hour, but they usually die..." he said. OK... So I'm omega... I thought I was beta for the most of my life, because I never went through this.

I nodded my head and another pain shot through my body. I screamed one more time, before tears went streaming down my face. It was unbearable. I just wanted to end this. "You're going through this for two days. You were incongruous for a day and a half, just occasionally screaming from the pain. Your body should be changed tomorrow or so." he said. "So get some more sleep."

I tried sleeping, but I couldn't fell asleep from the pain and because I 'slept for a day and a half' like Lance said. "Cuddle... with... me?" Lance smiled and got under the covers. My left were placed on his torso, head on chest while I was listening to his heard beat. It was calming and I fell asleep.

~Lance's POV~

Keith was sleeping while listening to my heart beat. He was occasionally whimpering from the pain, but that was it.


I woke up in the morning, with Keith fully on me. I was looking down on his hair and kissed him. His ears twitched and tickled my nose. I sneezed and woke up Keith.

"Good morning. You're looking a lot better. How do you feel?"

"Nothing hurts. Just feel... Different.."

"Do you think you can walk?" he nodded his head. "So we're going to Coran. He wanted to see you after the change."

"OK. I will just change." He walked to his closet and took out a black shirt. He took off the one he was wearing and looked at himself in the mirror for a minute. "Um... So this was the change...." I walked over him. His body was almost like females. His body was curvy and I swear he looks a lot cuter....

He put on his shirt and sat down. "I look like a girl..... Do you still love me? I look completely different..." he said as he changed to his galra form.

"Babe, you look beautiful. And if you would change into a girl, I would still love you. I'm bi." I said.

"Lance. you're a dork."


"But I still live you."

"I know (◐∇◐*)" he rolled his eyes and got up.


We got to the bridge for Coran. He was doing some weird shit that u didn't understand. "Hey Coran." I said.

"Oh! Hello paladins! How are you feeling, Keith?"

"Much better. Lance said, that you wanted to see me after I got better."

"Oh yes! I wanted to exam your body if it's alright! Come on!" he said in his cheerful voice.


Coran got us out of the room and told me to look after  Keith, he he would get more sleep.

We laid in Keith's bed, talking occasionally. "Do you think we could get one room? I mean... If you want to.  It's just that, we can go from one room to another, but the bed is extremely small, that I usually wake up on the ground, or with you on my chest." I said. Keith looked surprised. I didn't know if it was because of the suggestion, or because of how I wake up. "And I want you have you around me as much, as possible. Not just for the perverted ( ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ) stuff, but for your safety too."

"I guess so. If you want to and Allura approves it, than I'd be happy." I felt him smile on my chest. After these months I fond out, that Keith likes listening to my heartbeat and my voice.

I was talking about some things after that, until Keith fell asleep.

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