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Sorry  for late update.

~Keith's POV~

We all ran to the lions. Half way through, Lance and I separated. This is not going good.

I was fighting with one galra and loosing do far. I wasn't in the best psychical or emotional state to fight.

I kicked him and he stumbled back. I had a chance. I had a chance to ran off. And I fucked it up. When I ran beside him, he kicked me and send me flying to the wall. I fell onto the floor on my side. Just the right position for him to kick me in the stomach. And that was the thing what he did. He kicked me as hard as he could into my stomach.

I was trembling on the floor in excruciating pain. I couldn't get up, or call for help. I was taking sharp breaths and sometimes coughing up blood. But I wasn't crying.

I tried to stay conscious, but I was even now loosing. I heard calm, long steps, heading to where I laid. I tried to call for help, bit only small whine escaped my lips. I tried to her up, bit collapsed immediately.

They got to me and bend down. My vision was blurry. All I saw was purple skin and long white hair, the last thing I saw when I got unconscious.


"Sir, are you sure about him? He's just a brat." I heard someone say.

"I am sure. His species are very rare. Only three ever existed. He's the only one that is now living, since the others died. Now, wake him up and do, what you're supposed to do. O want him to change in three days." Lotor. The first thing that got to my head. Who was he talking about? Me?

"Yes, sir." Lotor walked off and left me and that guy in the room. "Wake up!" he screamed and I jumped from the shock. I did not expect that. When I got into a sitting position, I was welcomed with massive pain. I screamed in agony, how intense it was. "Oh shut up!" he said with anger and dragged me somewhere.

He tied me to some sort of chair and walked off.


He shoved up after a day. The whole 24 hours I spend by trying to wiggle myself out of the grasp of the leather material my hands, neck and legs were tied up in and panicking. Why? Because my fucking voice wouldn't come out. I tried to scream at some point, but nothing was heard. I couldn't talk.

"Hello there. I suppose, you still don't know what is going on, do you?" I only glared at him, bit he ignored me. "We are going to make you a weapon. A perfect little weapon, that will either, destroy voltron, or get it to us. I think your mate will give is his lion and convince the other paladins to give us their lions too, to save you. Am I right, or am I right?" my eyes widened, as his grin widened. "I am right."


It's been a week. A painful week, of pain. Psychical pain from the shocks and emotional pain from the thought, that I will definitely do something to my friends and of my child's death. The kick killed my child.

Lotor tried to impregnate me with his child, bit kicked, scratched and tried to run away from here.

They fed me with food and water thru some tube in my stomach I didn't noticed.

My voice hadn't come back and I lost all my hope of getting away from here.


One night, I heard muted explosion. Maybe someone just got mad and punched the door too much and I fell onto the floor, I thought, but after another silent minutes off muted 'booms' my door was kicked out onto the floor.

"Keith!" Pidge yelled my name. "Guys! I found Keith!" they ran to me, but seemed... Shocked. "OH MY GOD, KEITH!!!! GUYS!!! I NEED SOMEONE WITH ME HERE!!! THIS IS NOT GOOD!!!!!!"

~Pidge's POV~

I kicked out another door in the galra ship. No-one was in there, so I got to another one.

I kicked out one big, heavily locked door. There, in darkness, was someone was tied up in a chair,  with a lot of machined around.

"Keith! Guys! I found Keith!" I yelled with happiness. But when I got closer to him, I catches all the details. There we tubes, going from everywhere from his body. His face was motionless and blood all over. He looked at me and gave a little smile. "OH MY GOD, KEITH!!!! GUYS!!! I NEED SOMEONE WITH ME HERE!!!  THIS IS NOT GOOD!!!!!"

"What's wrong Pidge?! I'm on my way to you." Shiro said as I fried to think of something. I need to untie him and her the tubes out, but some can be keeping him alive and if I just untied him, those important tubes could come out! "Pidge? You here?" Shiro said behind me.

"Shiro... What is going on in here?" he didn't understand until I pointed at Keith. His eyes widened and ran to us.

"We need to get him out of here. We can get some of these out safely, bit I don't know what wreck will do the others..."

"At least something!"

We got almost all of the tubes out, bit there where two, that we didn't knew if they were safe, or deadly. One was in his neck and he other one was in his stomach. We slowly got the massive tube from his neck. He was OK.

Now was the time for the stomach one. We untied his neck, so he could breath easier and got the tube out of his body after five minutes. Surprisingly, Keith didn't make a sound the whole time. Only his expression was pained.

"Keith? Are you OK? We're going home now." I said and untied the rest of him. He gave a nod and a quick smile. "Keith...? Can you talk? Say something..." he looked at me with 'I can't' eyes. "OK. Allura, prepare the pod. Keith can't talk and is in bad shape. If will get us a bit until we get to the castle."

Yay! Another chapter!
By the way, sorry that I make my baby go thru this shit, put I can't help myself!!

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