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~Keith's POV~

I opened my eyes. The pod hissed and I fell right into someone's arms. Wait. Why was I in the pod...?

"Shh, it's okay." Lance's voice...? Why... Why does it sound so... Unreal...?

I looked up. Worst mistake ever.

Galra soldier.

I tried to scream, but my voice was gone. This is not good.


"Well hello there, little one." Zarkon said, as the galra dragged me into his throne room.

I didn't answer.

"Not talking, hmm? Hagar."

And the torture began.

~Time skip~
~8 months~

I was in my cell, sitting up and leaning on the cold wall. The bruises on my body hurt more and more every move. My child isn't exactly helping me. They're kicking and moving. My belly is much bigger than normal pregnancy, I noticed that, and figured, that I'm with more than one child.

The baby kicked extra hard, that I curled up in a ball, which made my bruises hurt more. I took a couple of deep breaths.

This was happening for almost an hour and I was already crying, scared and disoriented. What's happening...?

I felt a wet spot on my legs. My water broke.



our hours. Four hours of pushing and crying in agony and they were both out.

I relaxed for a moment and took my kids. They both still had their cords attached to them, so I got the sharp rock that I hid under my 'bed' and but the cord. They were relaxing and now crying. That didn't count for me.

They were both girls with mocha skin. They had black hair and blue eyes. I wrapped them in the blanket I had for the night and dried them up a bit, but the tiredness from giving birth to them for me.

I stayed awake, even if my body was shaking from the exhaustion. I didn't have the energy to take my pans, that I ripped off when my water broke, and put them back on.

"Keith!!" I heard someone yell in the aisle with cells. Lance?

"Lance...?" I weakly asked. There's no way he heard me...

"Keith!! Are you here, darling?!"

"Lance...!" I tried to speak louder.

"Kitten! Please answer!"

"Lan-ce!" I was crying now. "Lance!" finally something louder than I normally talk.

"Keith!? Say my name again!"


The door I was in burst open. "Oh my god..." he walked towards me.

"Lance..." I whispered as he hugged me. "I'm tired..."

When he opened his mouth to talk, the little ones started to cry. Deep sleepers. Like their daddy...

"Keith... Are they...? When?"

"Yes, they're ours... I think I delivered them like an hour ago... I was too scared to fall asleep..."

"You must be exhausted... We're going back to the castle. I'm going to put them on you and lift you up, okay?" I simply nodded.

He did as he told. I couldn't help but to fall asleep in his warm arms with a smile on my face.

Hello there, beauties.
Sorry that I don't update in a ling time... Writers block got me...
Anyways, prepare for an end on this. :D

How should I end this?

1.happy ending (fluff)

2.reality ending (still fluff)

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