Blast from the Past

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Niklaus the immortal Original Hybrid. My lover. The one who saved me from my wretched life oh so many years ago. Nik is my king, and I am his queen. We rule the bed, and the world together.

My name is Alexis Fyre. It is pronounced Fire, i don't know why it is spelled 'Fyre' but I guess ancestry. Anyway, I was born in Seaside Heights New Jersey. I lived with my widowed depressed mother, and my two older annoying brothers Jakob and Jensen.

August 21st, 2008. My twenty first birthday. The Mikaelson's came to stay in my town. There were only two of them at the time, Elijah, and my Love Niklaus. They both came looking for shelter from the monsters that roamed the Earth.

As soon as I saw Niklaus, I knew that he was my soulmate. We locked eye contact, he smiled, I smiled back. Very small meeting, but we knew each other just from a couple looks.

Nik was a young looking, very sexy, hot, young man who honestly looked the same age as me, and I just wanted to sleep with him.

His mischievous, and devilish smile intrigued me. I could sense there was something he was hiding, but I couldn't place my finger on it at the moment.

That very same day, the monsters came to my village. Little did I know, Nik and Elijah were the monsters they claimed to be hiding from. Things never seen before, devouring other humans, witchcraft, monstrosities. The two things I saw to be handsome, and charming, others saw monstrous, ravenous, creatures.

Fangs came out where their canines should be, and their eyes glowed. They had speed and strength like nothing before. I was fascinated. I pondered how they got their abilities. I was never able to leave this damn village, and since it was being destroyed, I had to!

Everybody locked themselves in their houses, but of course, their strength could beat any door or wall. There they were, biting the other villagers, and sucking the blood out of them. My mother didn't lock our house up because she didn't give a crap about us.  So the door hung wide open, and we were all left vulnerable. I started to cry.

"Why did that one, tell me He was hiding from the monsters when he was the monster?" I cried.

"Because people in life are dicks and they lie a lot." Jakob responded.

Finally, they came in. I was curled up in a ball on the floor. My head in my knees, crying my eyes out.

"Well don't we have a lovely surprise!" Nik Cheered. "You are going to be our dessert!"

"Oh, delicious." Elijah remarked. "Let's start with.." He took a pause. "Her." He pointed to me. My eyes teared up even more, and then they bolted at Niklaus' face, covered in the blood of some of my friends' blood, and some strangers. Even though he was probably about to eat me, I couldn't help the physical, and mental attraction to this new stranger in this crazy world.

"No. Too small. Let's go for the boys, shall we!" Nik responded. Niklaus and Elijah dove towards my two brothers. Nik ended up with Jakob, and Elijah got Jensen. They sung their already bloody fangs into my brothers necks, sucking every last bit of their blood out of their bodies. Soon my brothers were not much more than husks that lay in my house.

"Delicious!" Elijah cheered. Nik and Elijah threw my two brothers lifeless bodies to the ground. Jensen's head rolled off, and across the floor: it passed me.

"Share the mother?" Nik asked.

"Of course!" Elijah replied. And then they dove at my mother, as I watched in terror. They were sucking the blood out of her, ripping her limb from limb. When they were done with her, she was dry. She was as frail as a sugar cookie. One of her limbs would brake off if you touched her.

"Now what are we going to do about the girl?" Elijah asked. "Eat her."

"No. You will not go near the girl." Nik replied. I started to tear up.

"Please just kill me!" I cried.

"Can do." Elijah said bearing his fangs.

"Did you not just hear me? You are not to touch her. And if I have to remind you again, I see a silver dagger in your heart in the near future." Niklaus gave Elijah the death stare. "So What is your name little one?"

"My name is Alexis Fyre" I sniffled through tears.

"I knew a Josiah Fyre, Did you know him?" Nik asked me.

"He was my father." I cried through me tears. "He was killed many years ago by a beast just like you!"

"Your actually not too far off on that narrative. You see. I did kill your father, but that is only because your father tried to kill me first. I made in even." Niklaus murmured. "And you want to know what was special about him?" He paused. "Josiah Fyre was a wolf."

"What the hell do your mean!" I screamed through tears.

"Josiah Fyre was a wolf. Every full moon he turned from human into wolf, and bit vampires like me, or humans." Niklaus paused. "And guess what. All of your siblings, and you had the werewolf gene. But the are irrelevant. You are mine now. I have taken everything from you, and you will come with me." He extended his hand for me to grab it.

"There is no way in hell I would ever go with you." I screamed.

"Well guess what, I am going to make you join me. Now you see, my blood heals, so you can either come with me, and not get hurt, or I will torture you until you need my blood. He smiled.

I knew what I had to do. I grabbed his hand, and honestly it was the best decision I ever made.

(NOTE: so honestly, I love Niklaus, Elijah, and Kol. I think they are all hot. I just picked Niklaus for this story, but who says their won't be affairs? Honestly I don't know. I figure these things as I go along writing the story. Please check out my first story, The Forgotten Mikaelson. It is a short story. I hope you enjoyed this- at-least one post a day, I promise!

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