After Party

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After hearing the toast, we all came down from the stairs, and we were ready to party some more. I was with Hayley, and Jake was off with some girl, I think it was the Bennet witch, friend of the doppelgänger. Hayley, and I drank a little, got a little tipsy, and just enjoyed ourselves we had only know each other for less than an hour, and we were like best friends. Even though we were really different , I was a hybrid, super girly, and in love with Niklaus, while Hayley was a werewolf, a tomboy, and defiantly not in love with Niklaus, (and if she was we would have a problem.) she was so much fun, we danced and drank the whole night long.

We woke up, on the ground the next morning. We were hungover, but together. Jake was awake before us, and started trying to clean. I had no clue where Nik was, Hopefully not with Caroline, and I had no clue where Elijah was either.

"What happened last night?"  Hayley asked me, as she peeled her body off the ground.

"Well, you guys drank- a lot. Alexis, you died from alcohol poisoning, but you were fine after Klaus gave you some blood, and Hayley, you just got really drunk." Jake replied.

"Where is Niklaus?" I asked him, rubbing my eyes.

"He went out last night, and never returned." Jake said picking up some trash.

"Damnit. He's probably with that blonde vampire slut Caroline." I groaned as I got up and tried to find something to eat. "Jake, you don't have to clean up, that's what Niklaus has help for." He dropped the garbage into the bag. I snapped my fingers, and the help emerged from the dark abyss of the Mikaelson Estate. I grabbed one, and dug my fangs into his jugular. Jake and Hayley sort of stared at me, they had never seen a vampire bite someone before. I dropped the husk to the ground.

"Did you just kill him?" Hayley asked, mortified.

"Yeah, it's not my first time, and you have done it before, that's how we trigger our curse Hayley." I rolled my eyes "get used to it." Jake just stood there, he had never seen anyone die, and he had never killed anyone.

I walked into the bathroom to see how I looked. I looked pretty damn hot for dying from alcohol poisoning, but there was a lot of blood all over my face, and I was angry. I wiped the blood off of my face, and tried to fix my makeup. I was still wearing everything from last night, but I thought this dress might give Nik another reason to come back to me. I stormed out of the estate, and into the main garage to find Nik's car, gone. How far did he go? I thought, as I ran to the backup garage that had all of the old cars, and tried to pick one.

I ended up picking the black Maserati. I was furious, and driving who knows where. I revved the engines and sped out of the garage. I was on a mission. I had Niklaus' jacket so I could use it to track him. I sniffed the jacket, it smelled just like him, it soothed me for a moment, until I snapped back into reality, and realized that the blonde slut Caroline was trying to steal my man.

Where are you, you bloody, cheating, bastard. I really don't care that he is seeing another girl, the thing is, it's a super
Annoying girl, she is a friend of the doppelgänger, and she is a slut. I've seen her with Matt, and Tyler, at the same time. Not okay.

I finally picked up on his scent, it was on the north side of town. I sped over to the north side as fast as I could. Still half hungover, and tired, but determined.

I ended up at some huge mansion on the north side of town. It was even bigger than the Mikaelson's. The scent was the strongest in this particular area.

I opened the door.

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