Locked Doors, Locked Hearts

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5 Years Later

We have lived in this mansion for five years now we had also been married for 4 years, 2 months, and 5 days.

I still have no clue what is in that room. I don't hear much from it, The occasional knocking, or bang, but I try to ignore it. Niklaus still goes in there, almost everyday. He never lets me see what is inside, and I still have no clue. Doppelgänger blood source, hybrid, animal, sibling, slutty Caroline Forbes, I really had no clue.

Niklaus still acted like he loved me. We were sexually active, we kissed, and we slept together, we did any other thing normal couples do nowadays, but what might be behind that door frightened me. I hid my fear from Nik when he was around, and the assumption the werewolves can smell fear is wrong. I can't, and if Nik could He would smell mine from miles away.

Honestly, when I was around Niklaus, I was a fake version of myself. I put on a happy face, and pretended like nothing scared me, not even him. I could not love him the same way I did before that damn door.

Nik was the love of my life, but he was also the monster in my nightmares. He could be the sweetest thing ever, and then just turn on you.

I cannot be daggered like his original siblings, but I can be killed so I try to avoid getting him too angry. We often head butt, but I Back down when I know I should. The werewolf side of us, makes us so angry sometimes. We are alpha and omega, we'll actually more like alpha and alpha. Over five years of living together taught me that.

That locked door, it didn't just hide something from me, it locked my heart. I couldn't feel the same way for Nik as I used to because of that secret. It hung over my head.

I asked everyday, but Nik either ignored me, or said, "oh it's nothing love, just something I have to handle. No worries."

My worries were that I hadn't seen Elijah in a long time. I also hadn't seen that slut Caroline around. Maybe it's a werewolf cursed to be a werewolf forever, or a savage vampire, a hunter perhaps, or something worse.

One day, I finally built up enough courage to ask Niklaus. I stormed up to our room where he was sleeping, I had gotten up earlier.

"Niklaus, What the hell is in that room downstairs?" I cried. "I love you, but if you don't show me what's in there, I will leave you." Tears we're rolling down my face, I didn't want to leave him, but I needed to know.

"Now Love, don't get so angry. Nothing and is down there." He attempted to stop my tears.

"Then What is the banging, downstairs, I can hear it!" Tears rolling down my face like waterfalls.

"That's just me trying to help." He replied.

"Is it that blonde slut?" I shouted.

"What? No. Caroline is not locked up in. That room I promise that. Just give me a minute to get dressed love, and then I will show you the room." He slimmed out of bed, and grabbed a t shirt, and pants. He motioned for me to follow him out of the room, and down the stairs.

We were standing right in-front of the door. The large golden lock always mocked me, but today, I would open it. I would open the door that haunted me for years.

Nik grabbed a key from somewhere, and handed it to me. The dainty gold, moles to fit the lock fascinated me, but I was esthetic, I was going to open the door.

I inserted the key, heart pounding. I could hear the lock clicking, until it open. I ripped the lock off, and kicked the door in.

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