Don't Go Breaking My Heart

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I ran back to my house, I saw Niklaus standing outside, probably waiting for me. 

"I thought it would be good if I left you alone for the night love." He said as I came a little closer in.

"I am still mad at you Klaus." I yelled at him, "You better talk fast before I leave, for good this time!" 

"Ooh, you called me Klaus, now I know your mad." he replied, surprisingly calmly.

"Start talking." I shouted,  more than 20 meters between us.

"Well, you know about the five, don't you? Well your father, he wanted to be one of the five. he wanted to kill Silas by shoving the cure down his throat. He also wanted to kill vampires for fun. So he approached a witch, not an elemental witch like the Bennett line, he didn't know expression, and they did not do Elemental magic. They did dark magic. He asked to be a hunter, and they said they could do it for him. So they cast the spell, but instead of making him one of the five, he was made into something worse. He had an urge to kill vampires, but he thought everybody was a vampire. I knew you before you were born, I wanted to protect you. I didn't want to kill him, but I could not let him try to hurt you. I wanted you to live a long, and happy life. That is why I have taken him. He is safe, but we are not safe when we are near him. He is ready to kill anyone. He might try to kill you, or me."

I ran towards him. I don't know what he said to make me feel this way, but I ran up to him, and gave him a giant hug, and then kissed him. 

"I am so sorry I ever doubted you Nik, but I do want to talk to him. I will bring a tranquilizer shot just incase I need it."

"Very Well." He grabbed my hand, and pulled me into the house. When we got to the room, he handed me a tranq, and the key.

"I want to go in alone Nik." I said to him as I inserted the key into the lock. Nik sort of nodded off at me, saying okay to me without any words.

I unlocked the door, opened it, walked in, and then I closed it behind me. I saw my father turned around, facing the corner. 

"Dad?" I asked, I could see him trembling. He slowly pivoted around, I saw his face, the terror on it.

"Alexis?" He replied, terror turning to joy. I came a little closer to him, kneeling on the ground. I held out my hand for him to hold it. He extended his hand, and grabbed it.

"Wow. I haven't seen you since you were just a little girl. You were probably five, or six. You have grown into such a beautiful young woman. You still have the same gorgeous eyes, just like your mother." I stared at him for a minute. Older, crows feat, and wrinkles building on his forehead, but he still felt like he was twenty years younger. 

"Mom was so broken after she thought you died. When Niklaus, and Elijah came to our town, everybody ran, but she was so emotionally jarred, she didn't lock them out, she actually invited them in, and then they killed her, Jakob, and Jensen." 

"Well they are monsters, why are you with them!" He started to raise his voice.

"Because I am in love with Niklaus!" I cried.

"You are no better than them Alexis. You are no daughter of mine. We are the predator! We are the wolves! We are Labonairs!" He yelled.

"You know what!" I screamed, "I love Niklaus! We have been married for god knows how long, and I am a Hybrid! I am what you call a monster!" 

"Just go away, Don't come back. Let me rot in here, because it is better than seeing my disgrace of a daughter!" As the words escaped his mouth, I could feel tears welling up in my eyes.

I ran out of the room tears running down my face. I slammed the door behind me.

"Kill him!" I cried into Niklaus' shirt. "I don't want to ever see him again!" 

"I am sorry love, but I can't. If you kill him, it is like the hunters curse, but worse." He wrapped his arms around me. "Everything will be okay, I promise."

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