Taehyung -In Charge (M)

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Smut Request for BadLoveForBts

Me and Taehyung have just come home from a late night party and we can't keep our hands off of each other. He pins me against the wall in our bedroom, with his hand pinning both of my hands about my head. He kisses me roughly, with his lips trailing along my jaw going to my neck. I wrap my arms around his neck tangling my fingers in his hair pulling his hair. I gasp loudly when he finds my sweet spot, him sucking and biting hard enough so it will leave a mark.

He picks me up caring me and throwing me onto the bed climbing on top off me. Tae leans down and whispers sexily in his deep voice "Katy, I'm in charge tonight." He pulls back looking at you while smirking and kisses you roughly again.

I shiver as his hand runs under my shirt, his fingertips cool on my heated skin.
I close my eyes and lean my head back as his fingers ghost across my back, his mouth still leaving kisses across my neck. He quickly pulls off my shirt throwing it behind him onto the floor.

I watch him as he pulls away from my neck pressing his lips roughly to mine he bites my bottom lip. I keep my lips shut which makes him grip my thighs making me gasp. He smirks he takes his chance and shoves his tongue in my mouth. Pulling away for air, he pulls his shirt over his head just to throw it to the side.

He slowly kisses down my chest stopping at my bra. Running his hands up my back he stops and unhooked my bra. He quickly bends down to leave another mark just above my nipple. I gasp and moan softly as he plays with the other one. He kisses between my breast pushing his hips into mine. His hands start to trail across my stomach stopping at my jeans. Looking into my eye asking for permission, he quickly unbuttoned my jeans and starts to pull them down. The whole time his eyes never leaving mine. My jeans fall to the floor. Moving up he slowly runs his fingertips up my legs making me shiver.

I shiver again as his fingertips brush softly across my hips following the trail of my panties. The tingles in my stomach move lower as his hand dose. I bite my lip waiting, instead of touching me he moves his hand down my thigh as he starts kissing down my stomach.

He continues until he reaches my panties. He then spreads my legs open. He places softly kisses down my legs. I hiss in slight pain when feel his teeth sink into my thigh. Moving to the other side he sucks on my thigh until it leaves a mark. Me moves lightly and nose cheek brushing my panties. I bite my lip and gash slightly.

Tae notices as he moves to brush his nose along my panties again. I feel him  press his lips to where my clit was, then biting down. I felt him smirk as a moan leaves my mouth.

Kissing up my stomach, then my chest, he presses his lips roughly against mine once again, his tongue slipping into my mouth.
Pulling away him once again moves down towards my hips. A shiver runs up my back as he slowly slides my panties with his teeth down my legs, while hold eye contact. Tae reaches over to the bed side table, pulling out a condom. Opening the small packet, he puts it on himself. Leaning down to kiss me once more, this time more gently. He pulls away and rest his head in the crook of my neck. I feel him kissing and leaving marks as he thrusts inside me making me gasps loudly.

My gasps quickly turn into moans as he quickly thrusts into me. Grabbing onto my hips to hold me still as he thrusts become harder and faster. I wrap my arms around him, my nails scratching his back as his fingers dig into my skin.

As he roughly thrust over and over again, I quickly find my release making my legs shake. I grab the sheets tightly making my knuckles turn while I feel Andy twitch inside me. As he pulls out he falls on top of me, when he gains his energy he pulls himself away from me. Getting rid of the condom. Tae comes back to be wrapping his arms around my waist, pulling me closer to him.

"I love you Katy."
"I love you too Tae." I say as my eyes close, drifting into sleep.

(A/N: Just be warned that was my first time writing smut. Hopefully it's not too bad.)

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