Jimin -Fuckboy

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(A/N: Bring back black haired Jimin. Better yet all black haired BTS.)

You're known as the fuckboys little sister. Jimin and his friends as they like to call themselves BTS are the most popular boys in school. Not only that they are fuckboys. Even though you and Jimin are in the same friendship group you've never actually meet his friends. For some reason Jimin never let you. You've seen them about, like in school or in your group or when they come round to your house. But you've never actually spoken to them. You see Jimin is very protective of you, maybe that's why. Or maybe it's the fact that you got you're heart broken by a previous fuckboy. Either way you don't know.

Little fact about your ex. He wasn't a fuckboy to start with he was sweet and kind but he then mixed with the wrong crowd and cheated on you multiple times. Ever since then Jimin's been very cautious about who you date.

Right now you're sat in your room doing your school work, which didn't take that long. You had just finished when you heard the front door close. You knew it was Jimin as you're parents were at work. You also heard other voices indicating that the guys were here as well.

"(Y/N)?" You hear Jimin shout. Instead of shouting back you just walk down the stairs and into the living room leaning on the doorway, with your arms crossed.

"Yeah?" You answer scaring them.

"My god! You scared me I didn't hear you come down." Jimin says with a hand on his heart. "I was just telling you that we're here. Also mum and dad said that their going to be late again so we can order some food. What do you want?"

You rolled your eyes at the fact that you're parents wasn't going to be back for dinner again. "Either pizza or chicken." You answer. "Is that all?" You ask pushing yourself away from the doorway.

"Yeah. I'll let you know when it's here." Jimin responded, you just nodded. As you we about to turn around and walk back to your room Yoongi called out to you.

"Hey (Y/N), nice clothes." He winked. You looked down to see that you're wearing Jimin's hoodie, which was big on you, that came mid thigh. But don't worry you also had a pair of shorts on underneath.

"Thanks." You replied sarcastically. "They're from (wherever there from) of you want to buy some." You rolled your eyes as you turned to walk away. All you could hear was the boys laughing and Jimin hitting Yoongi.

The food arrived quicker than you wanted it too. You all got what you wanted and sat down in the living room. After you had all finished you took the plates and started to wash the dishes. Jin came in with the ones that you couldn't carry and placed the, next to you.

"Thank you." You said giving him a smile.

He smiled back as he picked up a tea-towel and dried them. "You know you actually look very pretty." He said causing you to blush.

"I'm in my brother hoodie, a pair of shorts. My hair is in a messy bun and I've got my glasses on and no make up. What part of that is pretty?" You asked laughing.

"You pull it off. You don't need to be all dressed up to look pretty." He said smiling at you. Out of all the guys Jin was the nicest and wasn't a fuckboy like the others. He preferred a relationship than just a simple fuck here and there. You two carried on talking until you finished.

Once you walked back in and sat down Namjoon spoke. "So what should we do?"

"I know one thing I'd do." Taehyung said smirking looking you up and down. This earned a smack on the head from Jimin.

"Never in a million years would I do you." You shot at Teahyung causing the guys to laugh.

"How about we play video games?" Jungkook asked, looking at each other. This everyone seemed to agree on.

"(Y/N) do you know how to play? Or do you want one of us to help?" Yoongi asked like he was talking to a child.

You took your control and rolled your eyes. You look at Jimin and the both of you smirked. "I think I'll be fine."

After a couple of hours of playing, the guys started to complain. Let's just say you beat everyone of them.

"How did you beat us?" Jungkook asked shocked.

"I play in my spare time. Plus me and Jimin are always play together. Since our parents are always at work." You say shrugging. Your phone next to you started to ring. You looked at it and sighed, Jimin who was next to you saw the caller ID and was not happy.

"(Y/N) why is he calling?" Jimin asked.

"Not a clue, I just ignore him." You say, and sigh again once he calls again. The third time he calls Jimin snaps and takes your phone answering it.

"What the fuck do you want?" He spat into the phone.

"I want to talk to (Y/N)."

"For what? So you can break her heart agin?" At this point Jimin's stood up pacing up and down the living room. Everyone looked at you questioning what was going on as the pay could hear the guy on the other line. Which happened to be your ex.

"Look I just want to talk to her or meet her."

"You've had the past year to speak to her, why now? Is it because you're bored so you thought you would crawl back to her?"

"I guess you could say that."

"You guess?"

"It's a shame that I didn't get to fuck her."

All hell broke lose, you've never seen Jimin that angry before. "Right listen hear. You're not aloud anywhere near her. If I see you near (Y/N) I won't hesitate to kill you. Understand me?"

"Whatever dude." With that he hung up. You stood up and slowly walked towards Jimin.

"Oppa are you okay?" You asked as you rubbed him back. You don't tend to call him oppa. Jimin looked up at you and smiled.

"Yeah I'll be fine. But if he come anywhere near you-"

"I know, I know. You've told me before." You say.

"Good I don't want my baby sister to get hurt again." He says pulling you into a hug. Behind you, you both could hear the guys 'awing' at the scene.

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