RM -I Need You Part 2

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Request for xXxAi-chanxXx

Namjoon had never ran so fast into the hospital, the guys following after him. He rushed to the front desk. "(Your/Full/Name.)" He said quite loudly.

The woman looked up startled. "Sir she is currently in surgery, you can take a seat in the waiting room." She said pointing downing the corridor. They all slowly walked towards the room. Namjoon sat down, putting his head in his hands.

"It's going to be okay." Jin said putting his hand on Namjoon's shoulder.

"How will it? What if she's not? What if..." Namjoon trailed off.

"Don't think like that, she's a strong girl." Jin said, trying to reassure him. Namjoon just nodded his head.

Non of them know how long they've been waiting. They had lost count after 4 hours. No one said a word. Everyone was broken. A doctor soon entered the room.

"(Y/N)?" Namjoon stood up quickly after hearing you name.

"Is she alright? Is she going to be okay? What happened?" Namjoon throw questions at him.

"Sir one question at a time. Mrs (Y/N) was in a car accident. A truck drove into a car sending that car into hers. She's currently in a coma, due to the amount of blood lost. We don't know if she will awake from the coma, only time will tell. You can go see her, if you would like." The doctor said, giving them a sad smile before walking back out.

Namjoon just stood in shock, his wife was in a coma. They weren't sure on if you would wake up. That's when he lost it, he broke down. The guys tried to comfort him but he just pushed them away.

"Namjoon-ah, why don't you go see (Y/N?" Jin said slowly walking up to him. Namjoon just nodded his head. Jin looked at the guys to help him get Namjoon up off of the floor. They soon made it to your room. One look at you sent Namjoon crying again. You looked awful, you were covered in cuts and bruises. No one had dry eyes, they were all crying.

It had been 3 weeks since you got in the car accident. Namjoon never left your side. The boys and BigHit thought it would be a good idea to postpone the comeback and ARMY understood. You showed no sign of waking up and it killed all the guys. Just like any other day, the boys sat around your hospital room talking, hoping that you would hear them. The sound of your heart monitor beeping quicker caugh all their attention. Jin ran out to go get a doctor and soon they were all been pushed out of the room.

"What's going on?!" Namjoon cried, trying to get into your room.

"Sir please calm down. I need you to wait in the waiting room." A doctor said. They guys took a hold of Namjoon and took him to the waiting room. It was an hour before the doc tours came out of your room. By the way they were looking, everyone knew the worse.

"Excuse me." The doctor said catching their attention. "I'm sorry to tell you this but Mrs Kim didn't make it. I'm sorry for you loss." The doctor gave them a sad smile and walked out. Namjoon broke down, he had just lost the love of his life, his wife, his future.

The day of your funeral came quicker than they wanted. Seeing your coffin made them realise that you were never coming back to them. You were gone for good. The weeks after your funeral the dorm was as quite as every. Namjoon refused to come out of his room. The guys tried to cheer him up, trying to get him to eat, drink, rest properly. They tried to tell,him that this isn't what you would have wanted him to do.

It had been months since your death. Namjoon had drowned in depression, seeing no light. No way to get through this. That was all until he saw you in his dream. Telling him to carry on, telling him to live his dream. Telling him that you're by his side. He woke up when he tried to reach for you. He knew in that moment that he was going to carry on living for you. Knowing that you've by his side, just like you promised, maybe not in person but you're there.

He soon became his normal self again and the guys where happy to see this. They all knew it was hard but they had to carry on. They had their comeback and dedicated it to you. You had always been there for them, supporting them, helping them, looking after them. They soon came out with another album. This album that Namjoon worked on when he was depressed. He wrote the song 'I Need You' for you. That song became a massive hit after it was realised, many people had their theories on what the song was wrote about. So Namjoon was going to tell the story behind the song at a concert.

"I know a lot of you guys want to know what this song is about, so I thought it would be a good reason to tell you all." Namjoon said. "This so is about my wife. We were at practice one day and she was going to come surprise me. But it started to rain heavily. A truck crashed into another car and it pushed into hers. She went into a coma but she didn't make it." He pauses as tears run down his face. "I got depressed and saw no light. That was until she in my dream. She was telling me to carry on, to live my dream. She said that she was by my side, every step of the way. I know she is, we promised to be beside each other. She might not be here today in person but her spirt is with us." There was no dry eyes in the concert hall. Namjoon had come to terms that you weren't with him. He was living his dream for you and him.

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