Jungkook -Shy

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Request for sopinkshi

(A/N: I haven't posted in a few days because I've had writers block. I've spent today writing about 4 chapters. I know this isn't as good as my others but I just couldn't think of anything. I really like the ending.)

You're Tae's baby sister but you're younger than Jungkook. You have know BTS ever since Tae joined. They all treated you like their own sister and always looked out for you. If you ever needed help with school you would go to them but Namjoon was the one who would end up helping you more. You hadnt seen them in about 6 months as you were busy with school, so you werent able to see them. That was until you had an amzing idea to suprise them. 

You had told their manger that you were coming to see them. So he decied to pick you up from the airport and take you to their dorm. You were stood outside the dorm to their dorm. You looked at their manger and he looked back at you and nodded. He opened the door and let you in. You put your bags to the side and took your shoes off. He walked into th living room telling them that they had to have a quick meeting. You stayed outside the door listening to them, waiting for your que to come in.

"Okay the thing is we have had to redo your schedule." Their manger said.

"Why? I thought that everything was okay and how it should be." Namjoon asks.

"Well you see something came up that we cant change." Their manger said.

"What came up?" Jin asks.

"I did." You say walking into the living room.

"(Y/N)!!!" Tae shouted jumping up and hugging you.

"Tae I know you are happy to see me but you're hugging me to tight that i cant breath." you says patting his back.

"Oh sorry." He says loosing his hold. "What are you doing here?"

"Well I've been busy with school and we havent been able to see each other so I thought why not suprise you." You said after he pulled away.

"I happy to see you again." Hobi says hugging you. "Now we can have dance offs."

"We sure can!" You said after pulling away.

"Its good to see you again." Jin said, after you all greeded each other you sat down on the sofa next to Tae and Jimin.

"So what else beside school have you been up to?" Yoongi asks.

"Well school took up a lot of time because of the exams. But ive been dancing more, so much that mum had to ban me from going to the dance studio." You say making them laugh.

"So any boys?" Jimin asks making you blush, before you could answer Tae butted in.

"Now way, no boys shes to young!" Then he looked at you. "Why are you blushing?" This caused everyone to look at you.

"He took be by suprise, I didnt expect himto ask that. But to answer the question, no there isnt any boys." You sadi lookibg down at your lap.

"Shes lying." Yoongi said. Making you look at him with wide eyes.

"Yoongi!" You scolder. "Shut your mouth, or i swear to god!"

"Or what?" He tested.

"You can kiss goodbye to all your Kumamon's!"

"Okay fine, but there isnt a boyfriend but she likes someone. Im not saying who for the sake of my Kumamon's."

"Yoongi..that didnt make it any better." You say.

"I should run, shouldnt I?" He asks already knowing the answer. The boys took their phones out to record you running after Yoongi.

"Yoongi! Get back here!" You shout after him. After a while Yoongi sits back on the sofa asfter you caught him.

"Okay never doing that again." He says panting. You plop yourself down next to him, puttiing your feet in his lap, and your head on his shoulder.

"So whats the plan? How long are you staying for?" Namjoon asks.

"I think about a month." You say looking at your phone. You look over at Jungkook who is sat onn the other sofa looking at you, you smile and him and he smiles back with a bit of blush on his cheeks. Thinking about it he hasnt said anything other than when he greeted you. Turning to Yoongi you whisper ask him. "Is Kookie okay? He hasnt said anything since I've arrived."

"I think he is but he's shy towards you still." He says looking down at you. You just nod not sure. "Your phone."

You look down to see your phone ringing. "Hey Eunho, whats up?" You ask causing the guys to look at you. "Yeah I'm in Seoul why?" ...... "For a month, you still havent asnwered me." ....... "Ah alright, um I'll ask but i think it should be fine. I can come when they have practice and that." ...... "Yeah that should be oaky." ...... "What time? Should i invite them? Are you inviting the others?" ...... "Yeah just let me ask." You turn to the guys. "Eunho wants to know if you want to go to dinner, the others are coming."

They look at their manger. "Yeah thats okay, you could stay here and order a take away? intsead off going out."

"Manger said you can come here instead, if you wanted?" ...... "Okay then its sorted, I'll send you the address. Bye." You put the phone down. "He said that they'll come here, its out of the way of the fans then."

"Who is Eunho?" Jimin asks.

"You've met him, hes the one that I dance with."

"Oh yeah him!"

After they arrive and leave.

"It was so nice to see them again, but im so full." You say as you plop your head in Jimins lap.

"Urg its late, im off to bed." Yoongi calls out to everyone.

"Yeah same." Jin says. Everyone leaves until its just you and Jungkook left awake in the living room.

"Do you want to play?" Jungkook asks holding up a games controller.

"Hell yeah?" You say putting your phone down and taking the controller. He laughs and sits down next to you, after he put the game on. You and Jugnkook sat for hours playing and laughing.

"Hey (Y/N) can i ask you soomething?" He asks turning towards you.


"First can you follow me?" He asks aready stood up with his hand out.

"This isnt where you kill me, is it?" You ask   room into the hallway and out the door. You walk up some flights of stairs before you came to a door.

"We're on the roof." You say as you stand near the end looking out. "Wow its beautiful."

"It is." He says looking at you.

"So what was it you wanted to ask?" You ask turning to look at him.

"Oh right." He says rubing his neck. "I know this might seem strange but let me say it all first. I've known you since Tae first came and brought you to our dorm. The minute my eyes landed on you would lit up my whole world. Everytime you smiled at me I would blush, or smile. Anything you do makes me smile. I dont talk much because I dont want to say something stupid to you. But over the ones we did we got close, I let you know things people dont know. Im still shy towards you because I dont want to mess anything up. And i know I'm rambling-"

You lean up to him and kiss him, he's taken back but doesnt heizate to kiss you back. Pulling you into him as you wrap your arms around his neck, your fingers in his air.

Pulling back for air. "Well that was one way to shut me up." He says making you laugh. "So (Y/N) will you be my girlfriend?" He asked, his arms still around you.

You smile up at him. "I would love to." You say kissing him again.

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