Taehyung -Was Part 2

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Was Part 2 for Bangtan_Unicorn22
(A/N: Just a heads up, I got a bit carried away so it's super long...Anyway hope you like it!)

2 months had gone by since the last time you had spoken to Taehyung. In the dance room, him walking away with tears in his eyes. He stopped texting you, ringing you and even showing up when his parents came round. If you had to be honest it did hurt. But what you didn't know was that he was hurting too.

You were once again in the practice room. Ever since that incident with Taehyung you seemed to spend more time there. You were in such a zone working on the choreography that you didn't hear the door open or 6 pairs of footsteps. Once the music stopped you heard clapping. Shocked you turn around to find BTS. You walk over and pause the music picking up your water bottle.

"What are you doing here?" You ask them after having a drink.

"We came here to talk." Namjoon said, to which no one else said anything.

"Okay then talk. Stop standing there like statues." You said rolling your eyes.

"Don't speak to us like that." Yoongi said.

"Then stop waiting my time. Either talk or go. You pick." You said folding your arms leaning against the mirror.

"Where here to talk about Taehyung." Jin said, you tensed at his name. "We know that your his best friend-"

"Was." You interrupted. "Look I don't want to talk about him so can you leave so I can continue?" You asked sighing.

"We are not leaving!" Jimin slightly yelled. "We're here to talk about him whether you like it or not." You rolled your eyes.

"I don't get why people like you." You said. "Hurry up I don't have all day."

"Well as I was say you were Taehyungs best friend so you should know why he's upset."

"Wait a minute." Jungkook said. "You just said that you was Taehyungs best friend. When did you stop being friends."

"6 months ago." You say.

"You're the reason why he's sad. You're the reason why he's not his usual happy self." Jungkook said finally putting together all the pieces.

"Look I'm not the one to blame here! He was the one who left me. He was the one who dumped his best friends." You said pointing at them. "When I needed him the most, he wasn't there for me. He abandoned me! When you guys turned up he threw away our friendship group to the side. We were all so close until you lot broke our bond. I was there for him through everything. But when I needed him where was he? With you lot. He caused me so much pain. Do you know what it felt like for my best friend to walk out of my life? He left me alone for some other guys. He left me, forgot about me. That shows how import am I was to him. 18 years of friendship he threw away! 18 years!" You yell at them, making them fall silent. "Now you tell me it's my fault. Fuck all of you! How dare you have the never to come in here blaming me, when it was the other way round!"

"Wow have you finished?" Yoongi says. "If he didn't care he wouldn't be hurting right now. The past 2 months he has shut himself out from everyone."

"All you lot care about if yourselves. It's never your fault is it? You always like to blame someone else." You laugh sarcastically. "Wow what a bunch you lot are."

"Everyone leave, let me talk to her." Hoseok says to them, to which the turn and leave. "Look I know how you feel. Trust me I have been in your position before. I know how much it hurts, non of them have gone through anything like this. They don't know the felling."

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