Jungkook -Her

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Request for alexiskook

You and your boyfriend Jungkook had just got into another argument, third time this week about the same girl. Mina, Jungkook's best friend. She likes him but he can't seem to see that. She doesn't like your relationship with Jungkook, she thinks that you have stolen him away from her, so she will do anything to get in the way of it.


You were meeting the guys for drinks at your local bar. You walk in with Tae. You look around searching for the others when you find Jungkook sat in a booth. You walk up to see Mina sat in the lap of your boyfriend. His arms wrapped around her tightly, while her head was in his neck.

He hears your footsteps looking up to see you, his eyes go wide. You look at Tae shaking your head, telling him that you were leaving, and walking out.

"Are you okay?" Jimin asks, grabbing your wrist. "Why are you crying?"

"I'm going home Jimin, asking Jungkook about it." Walking away leaving a confused Jimin.

You get outside and look for your car. "Jagi its not what it looks like." he says, catching up to you, making you laugh.

"Sure Jungkook. Then what was it? Mina was in your lap, head in your neck, you were laughing and you didn't even push her away?"

"Jagi, you know I don't want anything to do with her, shes my best friend." He trys to reason.

"Just a friend? What friends sit in each others lap? You know she likes you, you know she trys to get into our relationship."

"Jagi, please, nothing is going to happen between us. I would never do that to you. I would do anything for you."

"You know I don't like her, she hates me!!"

"She doesn't like you because you took me away from her."

"So your defending her now?"

"What? Nooo. Jagi just plase stop I will do anything, please."

"Anything?" You ask, he nods. "I want you to stop been friends with her."

"No why would I? She's my best friend."

"And I'm your girlfriend. Everything in our relationship resolves around her. When she calls or texts you drop everything and go to her! Even if we are in a middle of a date you leave. Its her you always choose her, I'm done I'm sick of it."

"What..What are you saying?" Jungkook stutters.

"I need space Jungkook, I need to think." You get in your car with tears in your eyes.


You were walking to the dorm to see your boyfriend and the guys. Taehyung, your brother, well half brother. You share the same dad but different mum's. You were born in (Y/C/N) and grew up there for about 5 years until you moved with your dad to Korea. Tae had invited you over saying that Jungkook had Mina over. You were pissed off at Jungkook because he didn't tell you nor invite you over. You knock on the door and Tae opens it.

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