Suga -No One Knew

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(A/N: Before you read I want to let you know that it mentions suicide. Please read at your own risk.)

"Fuck you!" You spat at Yoongi.

"Love you too." He said back.

"You know, you're a massive pain in my arse." Right now you and Yoongi were arguing in the living room of the dorm, the guys were trying to calm you both down.

"Well if I'm such a pain in the arse then why don't you leave." He shouted back at you. "It's not like any of us want you here! So do us all a favour and fuck off out of our lives!"

At this point you could have sworn you heard your heart shatter into pieces. You've been friends with the guys since they were trainees. You grew up with Jungkook, you two have know each other since you were babies. But for some reason Yoongi never liked you. You two couldn't talk without it been an argument. You of course tried to be friends but you got it shoved back into your face.

Tears were welling up in you're eyes at the silence. You took a step back out of shock. You didn't know what to say or do. You just looked at the guys who had looks of anger, sadness and all sorts of emotions. You took one last look at Yoongi and grabbed your stuff.

"If that's what you want then fine." You walked out slamming the door behind you. That seemed to wake the members up.

"Why the fuck did you say that for?" Jungkook asked shoving Yoongi into the wall. "You know was he means the world to us!" The guys tried to get Jungkook off of Yoongi but it was of no use.

"Jungkook go after her. Go find her." Namjoon said putting his hand on the young ones shoulder. Jungkook gave Yoongi one more push into the wall before he let go and stormed out of the dorm.

Everyone just looked at Yoongi with disappointment. "What she deserved it."
They just shock their heads.

"I'm going to see if I can go find her as well." Jimin said, he needed dress air or he would beat the shit out of his hyung. Once again the door slammed shut, everyone left up Yoongi and before Jin let ft he turned to him.

"You've messed up bad time. If you don't sort this out no one is going to forgive you." Jin said before walking away, leaving Yoongi sat on the sofa with his head in his hands.

Jimin soon caught up with Jungkook. They both searched the park knowing that this a place you would come to clear your head. But there was no person in sight. This worried both males. Looking at each other they started walking towards your apartment.

"We'll find her, everything will be fine." Jimin said trying to reassure Jungkook as well as himself.

"I hope so. I saw if anything bad happens-"

"Nothing will but it won't only be you beating Yoongi up." Jimin cut Jungkook off.

They soon reached your apartment. But worry soon took over them when they see your front door wide open. Looking at each other the slowly walk in. Jimin shuts the door behind him looking around. Both males notice your stuff in the living room. Knowing that you're there made them feel better.

"(Y/N)?" Jungkook asked, to his reply he heard nothing. The sound of water running took their attention. Walking over to the bathroom, they knock on the door.

"(Y/N)? You in there?" Jimin asks trying to open the door but soon noticing that it's locked. The sound of something smashing made them jump. "(Y/N) open the door!" Jimin yelled banging in the door. What worried them more was the fact that no sound was coming from the bathroom. Jungkook looked over at him in panic. He knew something was wrong. He wasted no time in breaking the door down.

The sight that they both saw would haunt them forever. Blood everywhere, broken glass, empty pill bottles. Your body in the bath with water overflowing, your arm hanging off the side, blood dripping.

Jungkook let out a cry rushing to your side, pulling you out of the water checking for a pulse. Jimin quickly took out his phone and rung for an ambulance. All Jimin could do was watch Jungkook rock your body back and forth while crying. Not even a second later the ambulance crew burst through the door taking your body and putting in the back of the ambulance. Jungkook went with them, making sure nothing bad would happen.

Jimin ran for his life to the dorms. Your apartment was only 5 minutes away so it didn't take him long to arrive. He threw the door open making a banging sound. Shouting out for his hyungs. They soon made their way back to the living room, seeing a crying, panicked, covered in blood, Jimin.

"Jimin? What's wrong? Why you're crying? Who's blood is that?" Jin asked walking toward him.

"(Y/N)-blood everywhere-she bleeding-she's dead-taken to hospital-" That's all Jimin could say while he was crying his eyes out.

"Jimin calm down." Namjoon said. "Everyone in the car now!" Everyone raced to get in the car. Not before Jin took a change of clothes for both Jimin and Jungkook.

When the arrived they didn't waste anytime in going to the reception.

"(Y/N) (Y/L/N)!" Jin said once the reached the desk. The woman pointed towards a waiting room. The walk in to see Jungkook sat down in a chair, coved in blood, with his head in his hands crying.

Hoseok made his way towards the young one, squatting down in front of him. "Jungkook what happened?" He said reaching his hand out to him.

Jungkook looked up not bothering to wipe away his tears. "(Y/N)-she tried to kill herself. We walked to her apartment to see the door wide open. All her stuff in the living room. Water was running for the bathroom so we went over. There was a smashing sound and she wouldn't open the door. I kicked the door down and-there she was-" He was cut off with more tears falling down. "She was laying in the bath, blood everywhere, water running everywhere, empty pill bottles."

Hoseok just took Jungkook in his arms letting him cry it all out. Hoseok looked around to see everyone crying, even Yoongi who had his head in his hands. "Shh, everything's going to be fine." But no one knew if it would.

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