1. Nordic Grasslands

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     It's fucking cold here...

     "I'm freezing too." Kyle chattered into his scarf.

     "You read my mind," I joked to him as we gazed into the distant sea.

     "Your face is an open book," Kyle nudged me playfully towards the cliff's edge.

     "H-hey!" I stumbled to get myself away from the border of life and death. "Don't do that!"

     Kyle laughed hysterically before taking my hand and dragging me away, closer to the main land. I scoffed at him before anxiously tidying my wrinkled clothes. He smirked, revealing his hidden hand from his jacket, holding his precious iPhone.

      "Honestly," I muttered and shoved him away from me. "You're so juvenile."

"That's a big word for a man like you," he teased, following in my tracks. "You might be more mature than Lord Farquarson over there," Kyle turned my head to make me observe our bassist mate, who was snapping photos with Woody on the main land area of the coastline.

"Shut your face," I rolled my eyes and walked silently to the grassy fields behind the cliff.

A chilly breeze ran past me as I trudged to to calming fields of crisp grass, untouched by human soles. A small herd of sheep lazily grazed on the stalks of green as I kept to the sidelines, quiet as to not disturb or frighten the wooly sheep.

I tilted my head with a peculiar look as I squinted from across to observe something else chewing grass in the distance. It was alone, purposely isolating itself from the herd of sheep. However, it shocked me to see this thing wasn't even noticed by the sheep once it had gotten a good few feet near the herd.

"Mate, that's a deer," Woody slapped my shoulder with acknowledgement.

     "But wouldn't deer and sheep eat together?" I mumbled.

     "What kind of a sheep would want to get near something with those killer antlers?" Kyle laughed it off.

     The rest of the guys laughed hysterically at my paranoia, teasing me for thinking that this deer was something special. I sighed and waxed further into the grass, feeling the grass stalks rub against my jeans. I was careful to not destroy the delicate greens of the field as I went closer to the herd, and farther from the guys.

     The sheep ate around me as I walked through the herd of twenty or so sheep, seeing that none of them were at all disturbed by my presence. Guess sheep don't get so spooked easily, I looked back at the group before going closer to the deer.

     This deer was far larger than any other I had seen in England, but considering this place had all the things that made deer comfortable, I figured it was just an over sized one that had eaten too much. I was fascinated by the furry velvet still clumped on its antlers. This is was a pretty big and young male deer.

"Hey Dan! Whatcha doing over there?!" Kyle shouted.

I sharply turned my head to see the deer now staring right at me, and only me.

Right...this is getting weird.

"Dan! Come back! We have to go!" Woody yelled from afar.

"Coming!" I shouted back to the guys before having one more looking at the deer.

Why's it staring at me?

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