8 | Girl

186 29 18

The girl awoke to the sound of her alarm clock blaring in her ear. Rolling out of bed, she hurried to get ready for school. Throwing on clothes, slipping on navy Tom's, brushing her hair and teeth, she grabbed her bag, binder, phone, car keys, and granola bar, and headed off to school, but not before saying goodbye and good morning to her parents.

Arriving at school earlier than most, she went straight towards the boy's locker. Taking out the paper heart she had made in her class the previous day, she taped it onto his locker. Smiling at her handy work, she walked away from his locker, walking towards the cafeteria, where all the students had to stay before the first bell rings, but most students did not follow this rule.

Standing near the door, she awaited the boy's arrival, wanting to evaluate his reaction once again. A few minutes before the first bell rang, she watched the boy slip into the building without being noticed. Except she noticed.

The girl gave the boy a sweet smile and a tiny wave. He answered her with a more awkward smile. A little bit more on the strained side, but hey, it was a start, and now she wanted more.

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