She woke to the early morning light, as she was used to doing. It bled into every crevice of the room, illuminating it with the joyous colors that marked the defeat of the dark night. Yet, she awoke slowly. The past day had pushed her to her limits mentally. Maybe some food was all she needed. After all, she had amenities usually given only to royalty.
She carefully took off her nightgown and put on the dress she had found in her closet last night. It was a bit tight, but she suspected that that was intentional. It was a creamy off white, more like beige really. And has ruffles at the shoulders, sleeves, and bottom. The fabric its-self had a small, yet intricate pattern that was present in the entire dress. It gave it more texture than it did decoration.
Slowly putting on the high heeled slippers that accompanied it, she unsteadily made her way to the dinning room. She was wobbly and had to use the wall for support a few times. The tricky part was the stairs, step by step she carefully made her way down. She was sure she looked silly, but she was committed to make the best of her situation.
"By Gods!" Oralia screamed when she saw her, causing Akila to loose her concentration and fall down the stairs. "I'm sorry for startling you dear, but you are too overdressed for breakfast.
"But... Dinner was so nice, so I can only assume that this would be appropriate." She complained.
"No, take it from me, get upstairs and change into your training clothes."
Akila obediently started the treacherous walk up the stairs.
"And take those heels off!" Oralia yelled after her.
The girl winced but did as instructed.
After she was dressed in training clothes, she made her way back down hastily.
"I'm sorry I'm late." She said as she walked into the dinning room.
Thankfully, she wasn't the last one there. Sai, Cameron, and Allura were missing.
"Thank you for joining us." Gustav said.
"Yes" Gavin continued the earlier statement. "I for one am surprised that you weren't the last one here."
"Oh don't be rude." Gustav intoned. "All of you were once in her position, except she had the decency to not come in a formal dress."
Akila's cheeks reddened as she silently thanked Oralia.
"See!" Gustav continued. "You're already getting the hang of things."
"Either that or Oralia is an observant maid." Gavin added.
Gustav chuckled as Akila's cheeks went even redder, if that was even possible.
Throughout the conversation, Moon sat with her arms perched on the table. Her eyes looked hollow and dead, but after last night Akila didn't dare ask. "So... uh... What is the plan for today?" She said instead.
It was Gustav who answered, "Gavin is going to take you for training."
"Oh, alright." She wasn't too keen on that, though he seemed nice, he looked like he could be a little cocky at times.
The food was brought out, and everyone present dived in.
"So, where's everyone?" Akila asked.
Gavin was the first to reply, "Allura is probably getting her beauty rest, Sai needs to sleep, and Cameron probably just forgot."
"Oh" She had nothing else to say to that, so after she finished some delicious toast slathered with eggs and bacon, she stood up and asked, "I'm ready when you are."
FantasyShe looked towards the woman, "Isn't it easier," the Dragonborn spoke. "To hide away selfishly while thousands perish. Wouldn't not having to worry about the world be better? Isn't sacrificing hundreds of families for your own happiness more conveni...