[8. el trío de problemas]

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*Edited poorly*
My friend got a gray baby pit bull and I'm very bitter about it.
He hasn't told me the name but he knows I want a gray out named chucho so if he names it that I'm going to stab him in the neck and take the precious puppy.


I'm awake and ready for school and hour early and I'm just sitting in my kitchen eating eggs and chorizo while chucho stares at me. The ache between my thighs is very prominent and the guilt in the back of my head is fucking there to. Don't get me started on that.

When Gigi came home that night she had a deep talk with me about how me coming into her life right now is really doing good for her career and life. I'm a godsend she says. God has doubts about that probably.

I haven't talked to Zayn since and I have blocked him. I want to talk to him but I can't bring myself to. When I went to have a shower after having sex with him I had a panic attack in the shower. I was scared of what I've done. Did I regret it though?Absolutely not.

The sound of my phone ringing scares me and snaps me out of my overthinking mind. "Hey Harry." I say as I pick up the phone.

"I'm on my way. I have a surprise for you." Harry says and tells me to hangs up quick. I put my empty plate in the sink and go brush my teeth. As I finish the front door opens.

"Close your eyes!" Harry yells from across the house I stand in the doorway of the bathroom with my eyes closed. I feel the presence of Harry there in front of me and it makes me curious.

"Open your eyes." He says and I do and he has his shirt off. Black ink on the side of his waist. It's a knife tattoo.

"Holy shit that looks amazing." I say and touch the red skin around the black ink moving the plastic wrapping around to get a clear look of the details.

"You're the missing link now." He says and gently puts his shirt back on. Niall got a gun tattoo on him two years ago and when Harry came along he was brought into our friendship and we always talked about getting a rose and knife. I of course am the rose. I was always too scared to get my tattoo when I was younger but now that I'm 18 this would be a great birthday gift.

"It's beautiful. I'm most definitely getting the rose now." I say and walk to my room to grab my jacket and backpack.

"I got it done yesterday from the same guy who did Niall's gun." Harry says and walks to my mirror and fixes his hair. I lay back on my bed thinking about yesterday but I can't let Harry know what happened.

"You alright?" He asks and comes over to me to comfort me.

"Yeah, just nervous about school." I say and get up and look at the time in my phone.

"Let's get going. Still have to pick up Niall." Harry says and we leave my house. Conveniently the same time as Zayn and Presley.

"Luci!" Presley says and runs over to me in his little spiderman jacket and backpack. "Buenos días, mí niño." I tell him and he manages to say good morning back in Spanish. He's been bugging me about teaching him Spanish ever since he heard me sing it and it's even cute teaching him. This little British boy trying to learn another language while trying to grasp English.

"Hey Mr. Malik." Harry says to Zayn as he walks over to us. Probably to get the little boy who's attached himself to me.

"Good morning Harry, Luciana," He says and I give him a small smile and put down Presley. "I'll see y'all at school. Don't be late now." Zayn says and grabs Presley's hand and puts him in the car seat in the back.

Luciana// Zayn MalikWhere stories live. Discover now