[35. Thanksgiving Day]

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I've been watching a lot of shameless lately and also crying a lot lately at shameless. The best of both worlds. Mickey and Ian are my parents 💛

Remember that only Luciana's mom and Zayn's mom know of the pregnancy.


"Baby, take the ham out the oven." I tell Zayn as I take a seat at the table rubbing my bloated stomach.

He takes it out and puts it on the stove and then checks on the other food. "Are you okay?"Zayn asks me from the kitchen.

"No, I'm bloated and uncomfortable." I tell him while I take off my heels and smush my itchy, hurting boobs together.

"I'm sorry, baby." He says and comes over to give me a hug but I push him away and that throws him off.

"I'm sorry but I'm just feeling weird." I tell him and he takes a seat and laughs.

"It's okay, your body is changing. It'll get a lot worse." He says and goes to buzz in someone at the gate.

I throw my head back and stand up and go to the bathroom for the hundredth time today, it's still only noon.

I head upstairs and go to the bathroom as I'm peeing my mom knocks on the door.

"Are you okay, mija?" My mom asks as I put my head in my hands trying to pee.

"I'm fine, just can't poop." I tell her and my mom comes in and leans against the sink.

"You'll be fine, Luciana. It's going to get worse but it will be amazing. I promise." My mom says and I laugh. That's what Zayn said.

"Thanks for the pep talk mom, really helpful." I say sarcastically and she laughs and leaves the bathroom.


"She's fine, Zayn." My mom says as I set the table, with her help. "When I was pregnant with you, Doniya everything was horrible. It was my first child, I didn't know how I was going to feel. After I had her and then came pregnant with you. Everything was simpler because I knew how I was going to feel." She says and we go to the kitchen to get the food.

"I know it's her body making her feel this way but what can I do to help?"

"Just make her comfortable. Make everything easy for her." She says and here comes Luciana down the stairs.

I walk over to her and she looks beautiful. Her body feels plumper and it's nice. "Are you feeling better?" I ask her and give her a kiss on the temple.

"Yeah, I feel better." She tells me and looks up at me and kisses me.

"Let's go love birds. It's time for dinner." My mom says and my sisters, Presley, and Luciana's dad head inside to the dining room.

We all gather around the table and hold hands and begin to say how thankful we are for the meal and for family to be here.

"Happy Thanksgiving Everyone. I made a lot so please dig in." Luciana says and takes a seat while everyone makes their plates.

"Want me to get you anything, baby?" I ask her and she nods her head so I go get her a big plate for her and the baby.

We all sit back at the table and begin to converse while we eat.

"How is the salon?" I ask my mom and then take a sip of my red wine.

"It's good. We will be opening another shop soon." She says and we all congratulate her.

I look at Luciana and she gives me a look so I go get the gift bags from the bedroom. I come back and hand them to everyone while Luciana says not to open them yet.

"Luciana and I have some very big news and we feel like now would be a good time." I say and they open their bags and pull out the baby themed objects.

"Oh my god!" Safaa says and holds up the little onesie. The others look at their gifts and Presley just looks at his confused.

"I'm pregnant!" Luciana says and my sisters get up and go tell Luciana how happy they are for her.

"These are too small daddy." He says and holds up the little shoes.

"They are for a baby, P." I pull him over to Luciana and point to her stomach. "She's having a baby. You are going to have a sibling." I tell him and his face lights up.

"No, absolutely not." Raul says and pushes himself away from the table and walks outside.

"Dad!" Luciana says and goes out there along with Lupe.


"Dad, what's wrong?" I ask him as he begins to pace around the driveway.

"This baby! You are young, Luciana. Still in school. Aren't even married to him!" My dad says and I roll my eyes.

"I know I'm in school, Dad but I'm graduating soon. And me and Zayn don't have to be married to have a child together. We love each other." I tell him and he just takes a breath and comes over to me.

"Zayn is an amazing boy, Raul. No seas jodidamente obstinado!No estábamos casados ​​cuando quedé embarazada de Luciana. We got married at the damn court house a week before I had her!" My mom says and my dad becomes real quiet real fast. He knows better than to argue back at my mom. (Don't be fucking stubborn. We weren't married when I got pregnant with Luciana.)

"I know but he's older than her. I'm worried he'll hurt you, mija. You are my only child. My little girl." My dad says and I start to tear up. God damn these wild ass hormones.

"I love him, I want to be with him. We won't hurt me he loves me too. So much." I tell my dad and Zayn agrees.

"It's true. I love Luciana so much, Raul." He tells him and comes over and wraps his arm around me pulling me close to his chest. "Amo a esta chica con todo mi corazón y nunca la lastimaría." Zayn says that to my dad real choppy but it still comes out genuine. I'm shocked at his sudden Spanish speaking but my mom gives a small thumbs up. (I love this girl with all my heart and would never hurt her.)

"I know you aren't going to hurt her. I have family here and Luciana here can put up a hell of a fight." My dad says and gets in Zayn's face. I think my dads about to hit him but he doesn't. He pulls him into a hug and holds him tightly in his grasp.

He whispers very quietly into his ear and I stop them before my dad freaks Zayn out to the extreme. "Let's go back inside and finish eating." I tell them and as we do my dad pulls me aside and tells me he's excited to be a grandpa.


"Happy Crismas. It's Christmas. Merry crisis. Merry Chrysler." - Christine Sydelko

I decided to skip not posting on Christmas and post the thanksgiving chapter on Christmas. Happy Holidays.

New story coming soon!!!

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