[26. Candy]

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I'm only doing one chapter of Halloween and it's going to be a Halloween party cause I need Luciana to pop her pussy to some music.


"Did you have fun, baby?" Luciana asks Presley as he pulls off his Spider-Man mask to eat some candy.

"Yeah!" He says happily as his mouth holds some chocolate that didn't go inside his mouth.

As we all walk back home I see my mom handing out candy to the kids. Presley runs inside to my mom and jumps in her arms. It's been a month since he's seen her only because she's been busy with the salon.

"Look it's my little hero!" My mom says and Presley smiles and eats more candy. He's going to be sick tomorrow if he keeps eating. I take his candy away and put it on top of the fridge while Luciana and I go upstairs to change into our costumes.

Tonight is going to be my last night here in Texas with Luciana then I'm leaving to California. For nearly all of October she's been sad about it but I promised her I would come back durning thanksgiving break or she could come visit me in California. She says she has family in East L.A.

As soon as we walk in the room my hands and lips are on Luciana. All day she's been wearing a little Wonder Woman costume while I was dressed as Superman.

"We should go to a high school party." Lucians says as she strips down from her Wonder Woman costume. "I mean you aren't a teacher anymore. Fuck it right?" She says and I laugh.

"Fuck it." I say and change into my costume for tonight. Luciana and I are both going as The Devil. Well she is the Devil and I'm the devils boyfriend.

"Baby, you almost ready?" I ask Luciana as I stand on the other side of the bathroom door.

The door opens and there she is fixing her lipstick. I look her up and down and what she is wearing should be considered illegal.

"You ain't going bout like that." I state and she laughs and continues touching up her makeup.

"I'm not joking, Luciana." I says and she's quick to clap back

"Sure seems like it cause my ass is laughing." She says and I go back to the room and take off my clothes.

"Okay I'm ready!" I say angrily walking back to the bathroom door completely naked.

I watch her hold back laughs as she looks me up and down. "Go put your clothes back on and I'll put some clothes on." She says and the sound her heels click out the bathroom.

"You can wear that but only in this room." I say and throw her a wink as she goes rummaging through the closet we are starting to share.


"You brought Mr. Malik!" Niall shouts out as me and him go to his kitchen to grab some drinks.

"Yeah he is my boyfriend." I shout back and grab a cup and fill it with a red punch that was set in the middle of the kitchen island.

"I thought you were wearing something more... revealing?" Niall questions and I tell him how Zayn made me change.

We go out to the backyard and there is Zayn getting chatted up by some blonde girl. I quickly go over booty bumping the girl out the way and locking lips with Zayn.

"You taste like multiple types of alcohol." Zayn whispers into my ear and slaps his hand against my ass. I feel my ass and the tight leather of my pants collide against his hand and it makes me rub my chest against his while letting out a small moan.

"Keep acting like this we might have to leave early." Zayn grabs my drink out my hand and takes a big swig of it.

Hours go by and I'm drunk. I keep making rounds back and forth to the punch or taking whatever shots Niall decides to pass to me. I could never keep up with that Irish lad.

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