Chapter 14💨💨

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Nathan's POV
Few days after Emily's phone call...
"Hehehehehehe, you jerk" I laughed as I gulped down my beer. My pal, Delcro, was cracking a joke and he was doing a good job at it.

"Hehehehehehe", I laughed again excitedly. My dad got a transfer to Washington DC and he insisted we relocated with him- I, my step mum and my younger sister, Dory. My pals, being the coolest of pals they could ever be, decided to throw me a send off party at the college's bar. Yep, we had a bar. What a cool school..!!

I was sure word of my relocation got out fast cos familiar faces and people I didn't even know came to bid me farewell. Even our janitor..!!😂

Sitting with my friends around a table by the corner, I glanced round the room for more familiar faces. That was when I saw her beautiful face, staring back at me. Looks like she was staring at me for a long time because immediately our eyes met, she looked away nervously. Just beside her was Nina, whispering something into her ears. Impulsively, I excused myself from my friends and walked towards them. Seemed they were having a nice time cos they laughed out loud.

"Hey Nina", I said, dragging her into a big hug. Emily was just staring... And smiling.

Why do I even care?

"Hey" replied Nina.

"I guess you've heard the news" I said, shoving my hands into my pockets because they were sweaty. Guess the room was becoming hot even with the air conditioner.

"Yeah. Tell me why you're leaving" replied Nina.

All these while, Emily was just standing like a statue beside us, not even uttering a word.

"Actually my dad got a transfer to Washington and there's no way I can stay on my own" I said and sneeked a peek at Emily. She was still looking stunned and awkward. Then I quickly added "You know I'm still a baby" as I smirked.

I expected Emily to say something.

Why isn't she saying anything?

"Hehehe" laughed Nina instead. "You wish. So when are you coming back?".

I looked at Emily. Is she alright? Oh I see, it's because I cut the phone on her right? Expecting an apology young lady? I thought as I came up with something.

"That, I don't know. Like I'm so excited that I'm going to a new school and sad also cos I'm gonna miss my pretty damsel" I replied and touched Nina's cheeks to make Emily jealous. And it was working.

"Why don't we go for a drink? " I asked Nina as I pulled her through the crowd. I glanced at Emily and saw that she was already gone.

Wait... Like gone..?? What is she? Isn't this the part where the girl follows the guy and initiates a convo with him?

What is she..??

"What was that about?" asked Nina, disrupting my thoughts as we reached the drinks section.

"Yeah Fred... Give us two glasses of maltida" I said to the bar man.

"What was what?" I asked, facing Nina.

"That of course" she said, pointing backwards.

"Yeah, what about it?" I asked.

"Why didn't you say something to her? Like you practically ignored her" replied Nina.

"Thanks Fred" I said to the bar man as I handed one of the drinks to Nina. "She just stood there like a statue. Why did she even come? " I asked Nina.

"For crying out loud, she came to say bye to you, even after you cut the phone on her when she called. That wasn't nice of you, Nathan" replied Nina.

"Oh she told you? Well... My phone was misbehaving" I lied. Yeah, I cut the call on her. Don't know why, just did. Hey, I'm not a mean guy..!!

"Seriously Nathan?... Seriously? " replied Nina, giving me the 'I know you're lying so just admit it' face.

"Argh... Okay yes I cut it. Don't know why" I said.

"You're such an idiot" replied Nina.

"Hehhee" I laughed. "I saw what you did there".

"So are you going to talk to her?" asked Nina.


"Nathan you've started with this silent answers of yours" said Nina.

I really wanted to talk to her. Taking a deep breath, I replied "Do you think she'll hear me out or even listen to me? What do I even say? "

"That you're sorry for cutting the call" replied Nina.

"Am I? " I said, looking at Nina mischievously.

"Oh stop that" replied Nina, hitting me in the arm.

"Ok yes I am" I said, smiling.

"Do you like her?" asked Nina, again.

This time around, I knew I had to give her a definite answer else she would pester me until I die, literally.


"Answer me Nathan" said Nina.

I just kept on looking at my drink. I still couldn't bring myself to answer this dreaded question. Do I like Emily? I kept on thinking and asking myself...... and smiling.


"Nathan " called Nina.

"Yeah?" I answered, smiling at her.

"I need an answer" she said.

"Why? " I asked.

"Why? " she said, looking surprised.

"Yes, why? " I replied, still smiling.

"Nathan I've known you for a long time now, mostly as a player. You hardly settle for a particular girl. You break hearts. You act like a pineapple without a heart" said Nina.

Laughing, I replied "Pineapples don't have hearts".

"Yeah but that's beside the point. I care for you like my brother and the least you can do for me now before you go is to tell me if you have feelings for Emily" replied Nina.

"What if I don't know? " I replied, serious this time.

"Then talk to her today. You'll know if you like her" said Nina as she lifted up her glass to drink.

Brushing my hair with my fingers, I replied "Where's she? "

"She should be heading home now. I know Emily, she felt hurt" said Nina as she stood up to leave.

"Okay... Thanks" I replied, looking at her.

"No problem. I'll be in class. Got to finish up some things" said Nina as she left.

Operation Speak To Emily, I thought as I finished up my drink.

***** ******** ********
Yay!!!! He wants to talk to Emily 😍😍😇😇. How was this chapter guys?? Hope you loved it. Guys are really complicated. Keep reading and keep tapping on that little star 🌟.
God bless you 😙😙

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