Chapter Three

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Jaemin groaned as Jeno was still dragging him to this unknown place, but the place was full of lights so his anger lessened but it doesn't mean that he's not mad at Jeno. It's totally the opposite.

"You're dead after this!"

"Okay. Do what you please." he smiled and Jaemin groaned again.

Jeno and Jaemin hands were intertwined, but Jaemin didn't notice since he was busy cursing Jeno and beating the crap out of him in his head. He was being pushy, and he couldn't stop it since Jeno wouldn't listen to him anyhow.

It was really frustrating to him. Jaemin sighed, indicating that he had given up. Why can't he win against this boy? If he still refuses, Jeno won't leave so just that, he lets him win.

"Let's eat teobbokki!"

"I'm not hungry."

"I know you are! Come on."

Before he complains again, the boy dragged him already and ordered teobbokki for the both of them. Jeno handed him a stick but Jaemin stared at him with an unbelievable look and glare. Jeno tsked and he just put the stick in his hands since he's not thinking of taking it or what.

After their teobbokki came, Jeno started to dig-in but Jaemin stayed still. He is staring at the teobbokki with a hunger written on his face but his mind is reminding him not to break the wall and keep his pride. If Jaemin eats too, it means he accepts Jeno's accompaniment.

But damn it.

He's fucking hungry right now. Teobbokki is one of his favorite snacks.

'My teobbokki. My baby.'

"Yah, stop glaring at me and eat! I know you're hungry."

"I told you I'm not hungry! J-just a l-little."

Jeno gave a loud laugh and before Jaemin could do anything, he pierced a piece of teobbokki already and put it into Jaemin's mouth before he laughed again.

"You fucking ridiculous thing!"

"Don't talk when your mouth is full."

"It's not yet full you airhead." he said and jabbed a teobbokki and put it into his mouth.

"Did you just bring me here to eat teobbokki?"


"Maybe? Yah! Let me go home! My mother will worry about me!"

"Don't worry. It's still early, one more thing you're a grown up kid now and you can handle yourself, and let me be your friend Na pretty Jaemin."

Jaemin cursed under his breath and he felt his cheeks were heating up. Na pretty Jaemin? What the actual fuck is that? What is so pretty about him?

"What the hell." he glared.

Jeno keeps fooling around with him until Jaemin gives in and accepts his friend request. Jeno is determined to become Jaemin's first friend. He never felt this way of being determined before but his curiosity is hunting him.

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