Chapter Eight

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Jeno waited until Jaemin calmed down while wiping those tears that were coming from the younger's eyes. He can't stand seeing him cry so he keeps telling him that he'll never leave his side. It works, it helps Jaemin to calm down.

"You okay now?" he asked for the 10th time. Yes, he's that worried. The younger glanced at him and snorted.

"I should be the one who's asking. You're bleeding."

"Don't mind me. I'm perfectly fine. Are you hurt? May I take a look? I saw that bastard punch you." Jeno cupped his face and looked into it carefully. He sighs in relief when he doesn't see any bruises.

"Stop worrying about me. I'm okay already. You got yourself hurt because of me so, I'm sorry for being trouble to you." he said and lowered his head. Jaemin felt bad for what happened to Jeno. He can't help but blame himself for all of this. If he just becomes a little stronger, he will be able to protect himself and not give Jeno any trouble.

For all this time, Jeno is still being nice to him, he even protected and saved him from those bad guys earlier. Even though he's feeling so much physical pain, he keeps asking him if he's okay or is there something wrong with his body even if the elder is bleeding so much. Yet here he is, for all those times, he's always being mean and staying away from him, all Jeno wants to happen is just to become his friend. Is it really that hard to give?

Now that Jaemin thinks about all those times, he feels worse because of the fact that he keeps judging the older outside. He never really paid attention to his inside.

"No. Don't think that way. I don't really mind Nana." Jeno said softly and patted the younger's hair.

He can't help it. Because of Jeno's soft heart, Jaemin cried again. He really felt bad and sorry towards Jeno and now that he is crying again, the older panicked. "W-w-why? You sure you okay Nana?" he asked and flustered was written on his face.

Jaemin didn't answer. He's busy wiping his tears away by rubbing his eyes while crying out loud. Luckily, he and Jeno are the only people there.

"Jaemin-ah." Jeno called and nudged him to catch his attention.

"Stupid! Stop worrying about me! You're the one hurting now!" he yelped.

"I told you that I'm okay. It doesn't matter to me." he said gently but Jaemin only gave him a glare but then, he pouted, still rubbing his eyes because his tears kept falling. Now, Jeno didn't know how to react because he thinks that Jaemin is adorable and he wanted to laugh, but he can't at the same time. He can feel that the younger one will kill him if he laughs.

"Heh. Stop crying, will you? I'm really hurting now because of you. If you stop crying, then I will stop hurting too." Jeno then reached for the younger's hand and squeezed it. He looks at Jaemin with a sweet smile on his face. He want to assure Jaemin that he's really fine. The bruises were nothing at all.

Jaemin's heart softened because of the older's warm and sweet smile. Jeno is so kind. What did Jaemin do to deserve this kind of friend?

I should trust him now. For real.

Just now, Jaemin started to break the wall inside him and let Jeno enter into his life. For real. The older is not aware of what Jaemin is thinking right now aside from worrying and yes, he also didn't know that he already proved to Jaemin that he is different from his past friends. Jaemin took his handkerchief inside his pocket and drew closer to the older then wiped all the entire blood on his face gently. "Why are you so kind? It's so annoying." he mumbled. Jeno was taken aback by what Jaemin did but he remained calm, he didn't expect that Jaemin would do something.

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