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R.I.P For Jonghyun, My BlingBling, My angel

Hey, it's me..

I don't think I can update for now, I'm still writing and I want to write, but... I just can't. No words is Coming. I can't think of anything now. Knowing that Jonghyun died, it makes me broke. I'm really really broke. My first fandom is Shawol and I'm 5yrs Shawol now and because of Shinee, I dragged into kpop world. I became happy but at the same time, I hate myself too for not paying attention for Jonghyun's condition. Jonghyun is my favorite vocalist to be honest and it really hurts that he's gone now. No more Jonghyun, I can't stop my tears. I just wish for my precious Bling Bling to rest in peace and become happy now. No more pains.. I promise, in my next life, I will love you again, I will find you and hold you tight.

Jonghyun-ah.. You did well, you live well. Thank you for your amazing music.

​​​​​​​I feel like I'm depress too. I lost all my feels. 


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