A Child's fright and Joy

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Round and round the handle turns
Up comes the moon and down the sun
The notes are like memories
The more notes you have, the more memories you make

My mind drifts off into a play
Scene by scene, day by day they play
The music on replay, the song continues to play

"All around the mulberry bush, the monkey chased the weasel, the monkey thought, 'T'was all in fun...' 
Pop goes the weasel..."

The handle slowed and stopped as the lid stayed shut... My beloved friend's prison would not set him free... Pop goes the lid... But no jack in the box....  A whisp of air and glitter revealed my error...like a broken doll on a rotting shelf... 

"Laughing Jack... In a box. But where's Jack?"
My chest froze in fear as I heard...laughter.

"I'm right here kiddo..."
"Let's play..."

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